Talk:Slimecican (5e Race)

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I made a race

Small Review[edit]

I thought it was about time I give this thing a full lookover. I will be using monster oozes and the UA plasmoid, as well as some other homebrew ooze hybrid races, that are completed, for comparison.

  • ASI is standard, fine
  • Size is just Medium (capitalized). 5e doesn't take age-based size variation into account really.
  • Movement speed about swimming is interesting. "You are unable to swim. See dilution trait" maybe.
  • Darkvision is fine
  • Amorphous is fine.
  • There should be a trait distinguishing the race as Ooze type front and center.
  • Dilution should be worded a bit more like "Whenever you start your turn in water that is at least 1 foot deep, you take 1d4 necrotic damage. This damage bypasses any resistance or immunity. [Additionally, when you enter water, you do not float and instead sink to the bottom]" or something. Because you cannot swim, you need to talk about how you might not be able to move in water or something. Some HB races just sink to the riverbed and end up walking.
  • Acidic body is fine.
  • Now we get to the problematic Divide. The idea is that you get a nifty clone by sharing all your resources. At lower levels, this is fine, but scaling levels makes both clones stronger and gives them a lot of possibilities normally one player character doesn't have. So this should be a very limited ability. How does this trait even trigger?
  • Halving the player statistics entirely and then making the size Small is fine. I assume your half gets all your traits and features...
  • Appearing in another space is fine
  • What evasion? Are you talking about the Dodge action? Or rogue's evasion? That doesn't make a lot of sense.
  • Now is where it gets wonky, because your statistics technically apparently don't actually halve until the start of your next turn? Why? Your clone is already made. So this means you still have your full repertoire? So if this took a bonus action, you could make an attack still and have our clone next to you for the purposes of sneak attack or something and strike with your unmitigated potential.
  • What action does it take to rejoin halves? It should also be specified that they have to be within some sort of range.
  • So regrowing what was destroyed and regrowing after your clone dies both use the same process of regrowing? And it has an arbitrary DC save post long rest.
  • Sharing actions and consciousness? So you mean they share the same turn order? And that means they are mentally connected, like with a familiar's senses and telepathy?
  • Unable to immediately rejoin is fine.

Looking through it, divide is not as overpowered as some more egregious race traits on the wiki. But there are some wording bits that keep it from being fully playable. I feel there should also be a possible restraint either on range or duration of the clone, though range would make more sense. My main concern is that, as the PC levels up, both clones will be able to use the same pool of skills and features, so it would allow a caster slimecican to feasibly cast twice in a round while divided. It is to be hoped that the statistic split would keep this from getting too ridiculous, but you have ways around that with spells that heal, for example, which do not require saving throws or attack rolls.--Yanied (talk) 20:03, 11 February 2022 (MST)

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