Talk:Jhorav (DnD Race)

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You should change suduce from an (EX) to an (SU), and also you should make it a gaze attack and it could take a standerd action. because if a allied member looked at the creature, they would be suduced even if they were on its team or if it didnt want to. --Ryan B. 16:04, 12 March 2008 (MDT)

Your comments about this race don't make sense. First you say, "All Jhorav also have a superiority complex. They love when others compliment them. The Jhorav believe that all other creatures should swear their loyalty to them. The Jhorav do not worship a god for they think of themselves each as their own god", then you say, "They won't seek out followers because they see everyone else as unworthy of worshiping them." Those two don't jive to me..usually if someone thinks of themselves as their own god, then they would like to have worshippers. Plus, worshippers have benefits. Also, do Jhorav like other Jhorav? From what I'm reading this race sounds kind of like Beholders. --Othtim 18:56, 12 March 2008 (MDT)
Also, is there a saving throw allowed for the Seduce ability? --Othtim
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