Stalactite (4e Hazard)

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the ceiling of the cave has large stalactite's hanging from the ceiling. DC 15 perception or DC 10 dungeoneering they look like they can be knocked down.

Level 1 Hazard
25 XP
Detect: DC 10 perception Initiative: 0
HP 10
AC 13; Fortitude 10, Reflex 0, Will 0
Resist 5 all;Immune none
Triggered Actions
Melee Attack ♦ Daily
Attack: creatures in the traps square
Trigger: the trap takes damage
Hit: 1d8 damage and target is knocked prone,the trap is destroyed.
Miss: target moves to adjacent square and trap is destroyed.
Avoid or disable

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The icy stalactites are commonly found in cold rooms with a water source above.

Icy stalactite
Level 1 Hazard
50 XP
Detect: DC 15 perception Initiative: 0
HP 5
AC 10; Fortitude 10, Reflex 0, Will 0
Immune -5 fire
Triggered Actions
Melee Attack(cold) ♦ Daily
Attack: creatures in the traps square
Trigger: the trap is destroyed
Hit: 1d8 damage plus 1d4 cold and target is knocked prone,the trap is destroyed.
Miss: target moves to adjacent square, takes half damadge and trap is destroyed.
Avoid or disable

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