Religion (The Elder Scrolls Supplement)

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In the Elder Scrolls Lore, there are two different kinds of gods. The Aedra(our ancestors) and the Daedra(not our ancestors). In different Pantheons they often go by different names. There are contradictory creation myths, one of which claims that some of the gods were tricked into creating the mortal world, surrendering a portion of their power. These became the Nine Divines (Aedra) who are worshipped as benevolent deities. A separate pantheon of more demonic deities known as the Daedra retain their full power and reside in Oblivion, a separate dimension. Individual Daedra are not necessarily evil, though they are often depicted as lacking empathy. While most of Tamriel worship a religious pantheon consisting of eight deities, the Nords of Skyrim are accustomed to worship nine, believing that the Nordic general Tiber Septim, the founder of the Empire, ascended to godhood after his death, becoming the deity Talos. The Dominion, led by the intolerant Thalmor sect, rejects this notion, since it implies that a man became greater than any elf, and thus instituted a clause in the Concordat which forbade Talos worship in the Empire. This condition, which was received with great anger in Skyrim, was one of the principal reasons behind the rebellion of Ulfric Stormcloak, the Jarl of Windhelm, against the Empire's Imperial Legion.


When the god Lorkhan tricked the gods to make Mundus, the Aedra are the ones that sacrificed their power to do so.


The Daedra are those who didnĀ“t sacrifice their power in the creation of Mundus, or were created after the world.


The Queen of Dusk and Dawn, worshiped by the Dunmer(Dark Elves)


Boethiah is one of the 3 main gods worshipped by the Dunmer within the Three Good Daedra in their Pantheon. Boethiah is the Daedric Prince of Deceit, Conspiracy, Sedition and Treachery. Their sphere is the unlawful overthrow of authority. Boethiah is known to enjoy the suffering of mortals.

Clavicus Vile[edit]

Clavicus Vile, also known as the Prince of Bargains, is the Daedric Prince of Power, Trickery (similar to Boethiah), Wishes, Serenity and Bargains. He is commonly known for granting wishes and making pacts with mortals. He generally takes the form of a small impish man, though has also manifested as a cloud of red mist.


God of the hunt and werecreatures

Hermaeus Mora[edit]

Hermaeus Mora, also known as the Gardener of Men, is the Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Memory. His sphere is the scrying of the tides of fate, and the reading of the past and the future as seen in the stars and heavens. He is known for not having much of a moral alignment and welcomes all seekers of knowledge to be his servants.


Jyggalag is the Daedric Prince of Order and Logic. He has taken account of every detail and action that has ever taken place, long before they actually happen. He believes the concept of individuality is an illusion and is not known to have any followers at all. He was formerly cursed by the other Daedric princes to become the antithesis of his very being becoming Sheogorath the prince of madness however he was able to free himself from the curse with aid from the Hero of Kvatch who he named the new Sheogorath.


Malacath, or the Blue God, is the Daedric Prince of the spurned and the ostracized. His circle is conflict and he enjoys observing mortals fight each other. In Dunmer religion he is believed to test the physical weakness of the Dunmer.

Mehrunes Dagon[edit]


Mephala is a very obscure Daedric Prince. Her circle is claimed to be lies, sex, murder and secrets, though others claim mortals have no info about it. She is one of the Three Good Daedra worshipped by the Dunmer.


Morag Bal[edit]





Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of Madness. His circle is that of Mania and Dementia. His relation to the Dunmer is to test their psychological weakness, at least within their culture.

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