Malcor's Control of Mortality (3.5e Spell)

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Malcor's control of mortality
Transmutation [The caster may manipulate the targets age]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V,S
Casting time: One action
Range: Close (25ft+5ft per 2levels)
Target, Effect, or Area: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

The target of the spell may begin to rapidly increase or decreases dependent on the casters wishes. The caster may choose to increase or decreases creatures age bracket by one stage per 10 caster levels (To a maximum of 2). If the target of the spell succeeds on a fortitude save, the creature's age bracket may only be increased or decreased by one bracket(If the creature's age bracket would have only been moved by one before a successful fortitude save, The target would ignore the affects of this spell on a successful fortitude save). The target of this spell may willingly fail their save.

For example, Gen (20 Wizard) casts Malcor's control of mortality on Flin. Flin makes a successful fortitude save. Gen decides that she wants to make Flin older. Flin goes from his prime to middle age thus moving his age bracket to middle age but not to old age due to the successful fortitude save. In contrast, Gen may decide to cast Malcor's control of mortality on herself to restore her youth. this would result in Gen going from old to young, resulting in all negative factors of her old age no longer affecting her.

Material Component: An antique Pocket watch worth 1000gp

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