Living Hive (5e Blessing)

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Living Hive[edit]

You gain the service of a hive of insects that make their home within your arm.

You have a strong affinity with insects. Whether through servitude to a god of decay, a lifetime of arcane study and experimentation, or some other means, you have caused one of your arms to riddle itself with innumerable holes within which a hive of insects makes their home. You gain the following benefits:

  • You grow a hive network inside one of your arms for the insects within to live inside. If this arm gets chopped off or otherwise amputated, you lose all of the benefits of this boon until it is regenerated.
  • You gain the service of a swarm of flying insects, which make their home inside one of your arms. This swarm can be mosquitoes, flies, bees, wasps, or some other kind of Tiny flying insect. This swarm regains all of its hitpoints and relocates to your hive arm whenever you complete a long rest.
  • You can command your swarm of insects to fight alongside you in combat: On these occasions, it acts on your initiative order. On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command the swarm. You decide what action it will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order,
  • You can send out your swarm to leech the life out of your foes. As an action, you can send out the swarm to target any number of creatures you choose within a 30 foot cone. Each target must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d6 poison damage on a failed save. In addition, if at least one creature fails their saving throw this way, you regain one expended hit die. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, and regain all expended uses whenever you complete a short or long rest.
(one vote)

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