Divine Split (3.5e Feat)

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Divine Split [General]

Undergo a profound ritual to permanently split your essence into two beings, each embodying different aspects of your nature.
Prerequisite: Character level 5th
Benefit: At 5th level, you can perform a profound ritual known as Divine Split once in your lifetime. The ritual permanently divides your essence into two beings, one embodying your inherent goodness and the other your darker nature.

The split is irreversible, and each entity retains half of the original's hit points, stats, levels, and abilities.

If you are primarily good, the darker half becomes an independent entity embodying your evil tendencies, and vice versa if primarily evil.

Both entities can willingly fuse back into a new being whenever they choose, provided both halves are willing or forced via a Strength or Intelligence check. The check requires a roll of 10 or higher on a d20. However, the Divine Split can only be performed once.

The entities can voluntarily fuse back into a new being, combining their memories, stats, and feats gained during their separation. This fusion is a one-time ability. Once fused, they cannot split anymore, but they will not gain all their stats back either. Instead, they permanently lose 2 hit points and get -2 to a random stat, determined by the Dungeon Master.
Normal: Without this feat, you cannot undergo the Divine Split ritual.
Special: This feat is available to characters of any race.
    • description=

At the 5th level, you have the opportunity to undergo a profound ritual known as Divine Split. This ritual allows you to permanently divide your essence into two beings, each embodying different aspects of your nature. The split is irreversible, and each entity retains half of your original hit points, stats, levels, and abilities. Whether one represents your inherent goodness and the other your darker nature depends on your primary alignment.

    • Both entities can willingly fuse back into a new being, combining memories, stats, and feats, but this fusion is a one-time ability. Once fused, you cannot undergo the Divine Split ritual again. The act of fusion, however, comes at a cost, as you permanently lose 2 hit points and suffer a -2 penalty to a random stat, determined by the Dungeon Master.

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