Crippled (5e Background)

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Life has not been kind to you, and you bear the scars, both seen and unseen, of your past experiences. Whether through physical trauma or mental anguish, you have endured hardships that would have broken a weaker spirit. You might be a survivor of a terrible accident, a former soldier haunted by memories, or someone who has faced unimaginable loss. Despite your pain, you have found ways to cope, whether through drowning your sorrows in alcohol and depression or channeling your pain into strength. Your past has shaped you, for better or worse, and you are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Insight

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools or one musical instrument

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: A set of artisan's tools or a musical instrument (based on your choice), a set of common clothes, a set of travelers clothes, a belt pouch containing 10 gp, and a flask of strong liquor.

Coping Mechanisms[edit]

What happened to you? What did you turn to in the wake of your tragedy?

(Optional: Talk with your DM to determine the story behind your coping mechanisms, and how it may affect you in game.)
d8 Coping Mechanisms
1 You turn to alcohol to numb your pain and escape your thoughts, often overindulging to forget your troubles temporarily.
2 You channel your emotions into creating art, whether it's painting, sculpting, writing, or playing music, as a way to process your feelings.
3 You push yourself to the limits through intense physical exercise, training your body to become a fortress against your inner turmoil.
4 You find purpose in assisting those who are also suffering, offering support and guidance to help them navigate their challenges.
5 You seek out danger and excitement to distract yourself from your pain, embracing the adrenaline rush as a form of release.
6 You withdraw from social interactions and spend time alone, using solitude as a way to reflect and find moments of peace.
7 You use humor and sarcasm as a shield, making jokes and lightening the mood to deflect attention from your own struggles.
8 You bury yourself in books, research, or learning new skills, finding solace in the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.

Feature: Haunted Resilience[edit]

Your traumatic experiences have left you with a unique ability to weather life's challenges. You have developed a certain mental and emotional toughness that others may lack. When you attempt a saving throw against a fear effect or an effect that would impose the frightened condition on you, you have advantage on the roll.

Alternate Feature: Liquid Courage[edit]

In your darkest moments, you turned to alcohol as a means of dulling the pain and finding temporary solace. As a result, you have built up a strong tolerance to its effects. You can consume a volume of alcohol equal to twice the normal amount without suffering disadvantage on ability checks or saving throws. Additionally, whenever you consume alcohol, you can choose to gain advantage on Charisma checks for the next hour, reflecting your newfound confidence and loosened inhibitions.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

For some, what defines them may be the very injury that drove them to become crippled in the first place. Some may let this drive them down into the depths of misery, while some may use it as a springboard to assist others suffering through similar woes. Make your Crippled as you so choose them to be, will you fall or rise in the wake of your injury?

d8 Personality Trait
1 Depths of Despair. You often find yourself lost in thought, dwelling on the pain of your past. You carry a heavy emotional burden that colors your interactions with the world.
2 Iron Will. You are determined to never let your past define you. You approach challenges with unwavering resolve, determined to prove your strength.
3 Cautious Optimism. You try to remain hopeful even in the face of adversity, though you approach situations cautiously to avoid disappointment.
4 Keen Observer. Your past has made you perceptive, allowing you to notice subtle details and read people's emotions, helping you navigate tricky social situations.
5 Nurturer. You have a strong urge to care for others, often putting their needs before your own and finding solace in their well-being.
6 Sardonic Humor. You've developed a dark sense of humor as a coping mechanism, using sarcasm and wit to deflect your own pain and entertain others.
d6 Ideal
1 Resilience. No matter how difficult life becomes, you are committed to standing tall and facing adversity head-on. (Chaotic Good)
2 Empathy. You believe that understanding and connecting with others' pain can lead to healing, and you strive to be there for those who are suffering. (Neutral Good)
3 Redemption. You believe that your past does not dictate your future, and you seek to prove to yourself and others that you can rise above your pain and become a better person. (Lawful Neutral)
4 Justice. Your experiences have made you sensitive to injustice and cruelty, and you're determined to right wrongs and protect the vulnerable. (Lawful Good)
5 Self-Destruction. You're not sure you deserve happiness or success, and you often engage in reckless behavior, viewing it as a form of punishment or escape. (Chaotic Neutral)
6 Balance. You seek equilibrium between the darkness of your past and the potential for happiness in your future, aiming to find harmony within yourself. (True Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 Guardian of Hope. You've found solace in helping others who are also struggling, using your experiences to guide and support them.
2 Unfinished Business. There is something from your past that you can't let go of, and you're driven to confront it and find closure.
3 Artistic Connection. You've discovered a form of artistic expression that resonates with your soul, allowing you to communicate your emotions in a way words cannot.
4 Memory Keeper. You carry a memento from your past that serves as a reminder of your journey and fuels your determination to move forward.
5 Fellow Survivor. You've formed a deep bond with someone who has faced similar hardships, and you draw strength from each other's experiences.
6 Nature's Comfort. Spending time in nature brings you a sense of tranquility and connection, serving as a source of solace during difficult times.
d6 Flaw
1 Substance Dependency.. You find it difficult to resist the lure of alcohol as a way to numb your pain, even when it's not appropriate or healthy.
2 Volatile Temper. Your emotions can swing wildly, and you sometimes struggle to control your anger or sadness, leading to unpredictable outbursts.
3 Isolation. You have trouble forming meaningful connections with others, often pushing people away due to your fear of being hurt again.
4 Trust Issues. Your past has left you wary of forming close relationships, and you find it difficult to fully trust others, fearing betrayal.
5 Insecurity. You often doubt your own worth and abilities, feeling unworthy of the successes and happiness that come your way.
6 Avoidance. You struggle to confront your deepest fears and anxieties, sometimes going to great lengths to avoid situations that trigger them.
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