Advanced Prestige Classes (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Advanced Prestige Classes[edit]

Advanced prestige classes work in a similar manner to Prestige Classes. The character must fulfill the prerequisites before they can take their first level in the Advanced Prestige Class, and taking an Advanced Prestige Class does not incur the experience point penalty for multiclassing. However, to take levels in an Advanced Prestige Class, the character must have taken all the levels of the Advanced Prestige Class' base class.


The Prerequisites of an Advanced Prestige Class are laid out like this:

Base Prestige Class: The prestige class that the has to have maxed out levels in (excluding epic levels, if applicable). For example to take levels in one of the Assassin's Advanced Prestige Class, the character must have 10 levels in the Assassin Prestige Class. The number of levels the prerequisite Prestige Class has will be in brackets, for example: Assassin (10). An Advanced Prestige Class only ever has one (no more, no less) prerequisite in this section.

Alignment: The alignment prerequisites for the Advanced Prestige Class in addition to the Base Prestige Class' prerequisites. Sometimes, this prerequisite may be different from the Base Class' prerequisite, i.e. an Atoning Assassin prestige class must have changed his alignment from evil to any non-evil. If there is no Prerequisite, it is assumed to be the same as the Base Prestige Class' alignment prerequisite.

Base Attack Bonus: The Base Attack Bonus prerequisite of the Advanced Prestige Class.

Base Save Bonuses: The Base Save Bonus prerequisites of the Advanced Prestige Class.

Feats: The Feat prerequisites for the Advanced Prestige Class.

Race: The Racial prerequisites of the Advanced Prestige Class.

Skills: The Skills prerequisites of the Advanced Prestige Class.

Spells: The Spells prerequisites of the Advanced Prestige Class.

Powers: The powers prerequisites of the Advanced Prestige Class.

Special: Any additional prerequisites of the Advanced Prestige Class.

Class Abilities[edit]

Class abilities work in much the same way as they do in Base Prestige Classes, except:

  • An advanced prestige class has the same class skills and gains the same number of skill points as the qualifying prestige class, unless otherwise noted.
  • Class levels and Caster-level for spell-like abilities determined by a level in a Prestige Class (like the Assassin's death attack class feature) use the total levels in the Base and Advanced Prestige Class.
  • An Advanced Prestige Class can have a different Base Attack Bonus type (good, average or poor) to the Base Prestige Class it builds on. In any case, the Base Attack Bonus shown on the Class' table shows the Base and Advanced Prestige Class' attack bonuses added together. So, when working out the character's Base Attack Bonus, ignore the Base Prestige Class' Base Attack Bonus.
  • An Advanced Prestige Class can have different save types (good or poor) to the base class. If so, the save bonuses for both classes are added. If the save is the same (i.e. good fortitude for both classes) the save continues from where the previous class left off.

Shown below are examples of the Class Level, Base Attack Bonus and Base Saves of two Advanced Prestige Classes:

Table: The Atoning Assassin
Level Base
Attack Bonus
11th +8 +3 +7 +3
12th +9 +4 +8 +4
13th +9 +4 +8 +4
14th +10 +4 +9 +4
15th +11 +5 +9 +5
Table: The Chosen Spider Rider of Lolth
Level Base
Attack Bonus
11th +10 +7 +3 +5
12th +11 +7 +4 +6
13th +12 +8 +4 +6
14th +13 +8 +4 +7
15th +13 +8 +5 +7
16th +14 +9 +5 +8

The Atoning Assassin's Bonuses[edit]

Noted below are the Base Attack Bonus and Save Bonus types of the Atoning Assassin (with the Base Prestige Class Assassin's progression in brackets)

Base Attack Bonus: Average (Average)

Fortitude Save: Poor (Poor)

Reflex Save: Good (Good)

Will Save: Poor (Poor)

The Chosen Spider Rider of Lolth's Bonuses[edit]

Noted below are the Base Attack Bonus and Save Bonus types of the Chosen Spider Rider of Lolth (with the Base Prestige Class Spider Rider's progression in brackets)

Base Attack Bonus: Average (Good)

Fortitude Save: Poor (Good)

Reflex Save: Poor (Poor)

Will Save: Good (Poor)

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