Oath of the Skywatcher (5e Subclass)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: No fluff whatsoever, no oath description, nothing. Paladins do not gain subclass features at 18th level, but on 20th.

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Broom Icon.svg.png This page needs grammatical help. Reason: '... bonus equal to ...' not equality sign, you do not gain monster traits from class, you just gain features, no need to name them, overall no feature is written according to 5e standard, some other problems here and there. Traits are tied to race.

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Firstly, this subclass lacks precision. Ewerywhere. "Not on the ground" is extremaly bad way to describe a trigger for your abilities, like, when I am on wooden floor in a castle will they work? Or maybe on glass floor on second store of the building? What about panel from wall of force spell? Neither of those are "ground", in some meanings of the word. Skywatcher aura gives bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls? Not specified. Judgement from above is once per turn, why? It is already limited to once per long rest. And all damage must have a type. Second overall problem is Power of this subclass. It is insanely weak, both channel divinities are super circumstantial, and not worth being used in almost any situations, all the other features too - if you use them, they are helpful, not great, but helpful. IF you can manage to use them, which is propably close to never in a normal campaign. Storm sphere is a fourth level spell.

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Oath of the Skywatcher[edit]

Paladin Subclass

Oath Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd feather fall, jump
5th earthbind, levitate
9th fly, storm sphere
13th dimension door, guardian of faith
17th dawn, reincarnate
Channel Divinity
Steps of the Faithful. As a reaction to your feet not being on the ground, you can begin channeling your faith to hold you aloft when there is no ground beneath your feet; For the next 10 minutes, you can walk in the air as if it were ground, always remaining parallel to the elevation you were at when you activated this channel divinity. You can end this effect as a free action and resume it again as a reaction at any point during the effects duration. While aloft, your feet shine bright light for 15 feet and dim light for another 15. When you use this Channel Divinity you can target one willing creature to gain this benefit in addition to yourself, but they must always end their turn within 30 feet of you or fall. Ending and resuming the effect on yourself, carries to the other willing creature if applicable.
Skywatcher's Aura. As a bonus action, you can emanate a 10 foot radius aura that makes senses more perceptible to movement of any one creature type of your choice. Until the start of your next turn, any attack by a creature within the aura against a creature of the chosen type that is also within the aura gains a bonus = to your proficiency bonus.
Judgment from Above

At 7th level, once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee attack while above them, you can force them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, on a fail you can treat the attack as a critical hit. You cannot use this feature again until you complete a long rest.

Additionally, you can add a number of feet to all your jumping distances = your Charisma Modifier + your proficiency bonus

Heaven's Domain

At 15th level, any creature not on the ground has disadvantage on saving throws and against your spells and class features.

Ace of the Heavens.

As an action at 18th level, you can take on the visage and mantel of an Angel which lasts for 1 minute.

  • You sprout wings gain a flying speed of 60. If you already have a flying speed, you add 45 feet of movement to your existing speed.
  • You gain the "flyby" trait you don't provoke opportunity attacks while you are flying.
  • While you are not on the ground, you have advantage on all your melee attacks against creatures that are also not on the ground. When you hit with these attacks, you deal an extra 1d12 damage
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