Epic Feats (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Epic Feats[edit]

The following feats are available to characters with levels in the Enlightened One and Asura classes. They can only be taken with the Epic Feat feature, and cannot be taken upon gaining a normal ability score increase, nor gaining any additional feats from any source unless otherwise stated.

Special Rules Clarification: Epic Advantage and Disadvantage. Certain features and feats grant a special kind of advantage or disadvantage which is more powerful than normal. Epic disadvantage applies even if the creature has advantage, and Epic advantage applies even if the creature has disadvantage. Epic Advantage and Disadvantage, however, cancel eachother out as advantage and disadvantage do.

Background Feats[edit]


Upon taking this epic feat, you gain the following benefits.

  • Your proficiency bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +9.
  • Choose a saving throw. You gain proficiency in that saving throw, or, if you were already proficient, whenever you roll a 9 or lower on that saving throw, you instead roll a 10.
  • Your children, if any, are born with the Paragon epic feat.

Design Note: This last bullet point is really only for subsequent campaigns within the same world. If the player did not previously play a character that gained this feat within the same campaign world, it is suggested to not let them start with it. And even if they did, the DM has the final say on whether a character should gain this feat or not when they start out.

Cursed Energy Feats[edit]

Cursed Energy Lord

When you take this epic feat, you gain the following benefits.

  • Your cursed energy attack rolls have their critical hit range increased by 2(E.g 20-20 to 18-20).
  • Whenever a creature with a CR of 5 or lower makes a saving throw against your Cursed Energy Save DC and passes, they fail instead. When this happens, if you so wish and the saving throw was made to avoid damage, that creature takes damage equal to their hit point maximum instead of the saving throw’s normal damage.
  • Whenever you use a sorcerer path feature or cursed technique, you can implant it with a visual signature made of cursed energy. If a creature that knows of your existence senses or sees that use of the technique or sorcerer path feature, they instinctively and automatically know it was you who used it.

Prerequisites: Improved Reverse Cursed Technique, Immense Cursed Energy, and 22 or higher Charisma, must not have the Supernatural Fortitude epic feat.

When you take this epic feat, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can use reverse cursed technique at any time, no action required, as long as you are able to take actions.
Extraordinary Focus

When you take this epic feat, you gain the following benefits.

  • You automatically succeed on concentration checks you make due to taking damage if that damage was 50 or less.
  • Your DC for concentration checks is 1/4th of the damage taken(rounded down), or 10, whichever is higher, instead of the normal dc.
Versatile Mind
  • When concentrating on a feature or feat, you can concentrate on two such features or feats instead of only one, dropping the earliest used feature whenever you try to concentrate on a third.
  • When concentrating on two features or feats, you only make one concentration save when taking damage, and if you fail, you choose which effect to drop concentration on.

Martial Feats[edit]


Upon taking this epic feat, you gain the following benefits.

  • Once per round when you reduce a hostile creature with a CR of 10 or higher to 0 hit points, you can immediately take an additional action on that turn.
  • A creature reduces to 0 hit points by your attacks is instantly slain.
Death Bringer

Upon taking this epic feat, you gain the following benefits.

  • Whenever you take the attack action, you can make 1 additional weapon attack.
  • Your critical hit requirement is reduced by 2(like only critically hitting on a 20 to crititically hitting on an 18-20), and whenever you hit a creature with a CR of 5 or lower with a weapon attack, you can instantly slay them.
Flawless Instincts

Upon taking this epic feat, you gain the following benefits.

  • You have Epic Advantage on saving throws against traps, and traps have Epic Disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
  • You cannot be surprised, and you can move up to your speed whenever you roll inititative(no action required).
  • If a creature is hiding within 120 feet of you, you sense its presence, but not its exact location.
Lord of War

Upon taking this epic feat, choose 3 weapon properties. Whenever you wield a weapon, you can treat that weapon as if it has any of the properties you choose as long as you are wielding it. In the case of the thrown property, the range is 20/60 ft if you grant a weapon the property.

Weapon Property Benefits
Finesse You have advantage on attack rolls with weapons which have the finesse property. If you already had advantage, you instead have Epic Advantage
Heavy Whenever you land a critical hit with a heavy weapon, you roll 1 additional set of damage ice.
Light Once per turn, when you miss an attack roll with a light weapon, you can choose to hit instead, rolling the minimum possible damage on all damage dice.
Reach Whenever you make a successful attack roll with a reach weapon, you can choose to move the target 5 feet towards you or 5 feet away from you.
Thrown When you throw a thrown weapon, after the attack roll is resolved, the weapon bounces off its target and returns to your hand.
Two-Handed You can wield two-handed weapons with 1 hand.

Master Tactician

Upon taking this epic feat, you gain the following benefits.

  • Whenever you have Advantage or Epic Advantage on an attack roll, you can roll 3 dice instead of 2, taking the highest result.
  • Whenever you have Epic Advantage and Epic Disadvantage, or Advantage and Disadvantage on a roll, you instead simply take the Epic Advantage or Advantage.
  • You gain expertise in all games of strategy(Dragonchess, Chess, Shogi, etc.), if you do not already have expertise.
Supernatural Fortitude

Prerequisites: Must not have the Immortality epic feat.

Upon taking this epic feat, you gain the following benefits.

  • Your Hit Dice are all treated as if you rolled the maximum for your hit point gain per level. This change applies retroactively.
  • You can spend 1 Hit Die to fully regenerate a missing or broken limb.
  • You are immune to diseases, and regain all expended hit dice upon finishing a long rest instead of half.
  • You reduce all damage you take by 5 times your constitution modifier(to a minimum of 0).

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