Discussion:What should you do when two of your party members are beginning to team up on you?

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Recently, I lost two characters (tragic death if anyone wants to hear it) and so they made new characters, that's fine, what I am confused about is that I feel like everything they do is just to piss me off, (i.e. try and kill one of my npc's for no reason, scam some poor farmer) or disrubt the game in general, they also try to best me because of their newly found classes (duskblade and beguiler), should I be worried, or am I just paranoid?

Ladislaio 23:34, 17 August 2009 (MDT)[edit]

I think you may be paranoid. Remember that you are creating a world for your players to adventure in, not for your own enjoyment. But also remember that, should they be doing nasty things, their alignment should be considered. Good PC's do not kill for no reason, and neither do neutral(EVEN CN need some reason. If they do not have one, that is CE, not CN). If they keep breaking the law, rampaging, or similar things, do not feel bad about crafting a NPC adventuring party to hunt them down and bring them to justice. Divination spells make it very difficult to succeed at not getting caught. Also, you may want to try adding a few NPC who are really high level(eg, tough enough to wipe out the party of luck goes their way), but they are retired or otherwise disinterested in the life of adventure. Should the party kill them, perhaps that NPC's old adventuring party wants some old-fashioned vengeance... But try to avoid 'rocks fall, everyone dies' cases. The DMGs has several suggestions for things like this.

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