Boskke (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Lawful good
Domains. Knowledge, Arcana
Divine Rank.

Boskke has always appeared as an average height dwarven man with a long, white, braided beard. He is always depicted with his tome of knowledge.

Boskke is known as the man most gods and mortals turn to when they need the whereabouts of something long lost, or need information. he always asks favors, anywhere from retrieving a new knowledge to defeating long lost horrors. for the most part, Boskke is secluded from the gods, preferring to roam the material plane in search of knowledge. The only time he interacts with other gods is if a godly meetings, If a god needs to know something, or When talking to his apprentice, Eos.

His followers are often seekers of knowledge, both mundane and arcane. They often dedicate themselves to knowledge gathering and learning more about the world they live in.

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