Bag of Halflings (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Uncommon (Minor)

A bag that has a brown ragged color to it with a plushie symbol at the front.

Halfling Plushies. You can take out 1 of 8 Halflings plushies in this bag. A halfling plush is a simple weapon with the thrown property and 20/40 range. It deals and is dealt 1d4 bludgeoning damage on a hit. A halfling plush has 1 hp.

Replace Halfling Plushies. When you find a halfling plush or other small plushies, you may put them in the bag provided that the bag has space. You can hold up to 8 plushies in this manner.

Wait is the Bag Magical, or… When there are no more plushies in this bag, roll a d8. On an 8, the bag becomes a normal bag worth 1 GP.

Replicate Plushies.. If you have this item and any fabric that is at least 10 to a maximum of 12 inches, after combining the materials, a plush can be made, if the plush is taller then 12 inches it will not fit in the bag.

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