Talk:Forest Mutation (5e Race)

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A potentially optional rule[edit]

Hey, just to say I've noticed that one of the old traits involved taking a feat (or three) from other races; which is fairly unbalanced in its own right. But, that's the thing, that idea has potential.

What if; we turned that into an optional rule on this page which enabled you to customize the race a bit by taking two minor traits from other races?--Kalenchoe (talk) 07:50, 4 March 2022 (MST)


I forgot how community wikis worked so i just moved another version over to a google doc for my own personal use. yeah i think after looking at a character sheet i did, 3 traits weren't the best idea in hindsight so you can lower it too 2 if you want. I noticed like 2-3 other people editing the page at the same time lol

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