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Hey everyone, they tell me I can promote my own stuff here on this page! Woo hoo!

First, I have a forum:

On this site, I have all kinds of goodies, ranging from discussions about my boardgame creations to the adventure logs for the two D&D 5e groups I'm running. Come and visit.

Second, I created a WordPress blog:

This is newer. On it, I started out discussing the origins of my D&D 5e setting and the core theories behind it. I've not told the players in my D&D groups about it, because it contains spoilers. But anyone else is free to read about it and encouraged to comment. Today I started writing a serialized story with an NPC in the setting as the POV character. I hope to build on this and we'll see where it goes.

Finally, I want to point to the wiki articles I created:

As I do more, I'll be sure to list it here. Enjoy!

Just for fun, here's a picture of my granddaughter


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