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—MetalGamer, Human Gamer

I am MetalGamer, A jack of all genres and a master of some. I pride myself on my gaming ability, my dungeon mastering skills, and my knowledge in school related subjects. (I.E. History, Math. :B)

Likes and Dislikes[edit]


I enjoy video games.... ALOT. My tag before MetalGamer was AvidGamist, and I still use it sometimes today. Something I like as much as videogames is roleplaying, either rules lite, heavy rules, or no rules at all. I also enjoy CHEESE CAKE, SPAM in a can and shrimp.


I don't dislike much. I do hate ignorant or annoying people. Alot of the people in my school fall under this category. (I'M NOT GAY! >_<) I do dislike some foods, but not alot.

Completed Works and Contributions[edit]

Works and Contributions in Progess[edit]

I'm currently working through the stat work for the Dragoon (As of Legend of Dragoon, or LoD) prestige class.

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