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D&D 5e Homebrew Class

Yondu (The Magic arrow)

If the name was not obvious enough, this class is practically a D&D version of the Guardians of The Galaxy character Yondu. If you like a magical flying arrow to be your main means of fighting and slow-motion walking as it rapes the battlefield then this class is for you. In addition,/or you could possibly substitute the arrow for a piece of spaghetti and become a magical Italian chef or a long piece of hair from your luscious locks.

Quick Build

You can make a “Yondu” quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Constitution your highest ability score, as it’s not your mind that controls the arrow, it’s your heart, followed by Wisdom: for wisdom is what makes you so savvy. Second, chose from either Sailor, Criminal, or Outlander as your background. It’s typical as a “Yondu” to have a small friend group and someone who you have little boundaries with.

Class Features

As a Yondu you gain the following class features Hit points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Yondu level

Hit points at 1st level: 10+ Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher levels: 1d10(or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Yondu level after 1st [[ Proficiencies]]

Armor: Light armor

Weapons: Ammunition, simple weapons

Tools: None

Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom Skills: Chose three from Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Sleight of hand, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: • (a) Magical(controller) Ring (b) Magical (controller) Pendant • (a) leather armor (b) studded leather armor • (a) dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack (c) Short Sword

Table: The Yondu

Level, Proficiency Bonus, features

1 +2 The Arrow, Target Destination

2 +2 Fast Flyer

3 +2 Pierce baby, Badass points, Inflame

4 +2 Ability Score Improvement

5 +3 Extra Attack, Arrow improvement

6 +3 It’s Electric

7 +3 Pierce Baby improvement

8 +3 Ability Score Improvement

9 +4 Arrow Improvement, Fast Flyer Improvement

10 +4 I’m Mary Poppins Ya’ll

11 +4 Cloudy day

12 +4 Ability Score Improvement

13 +5 Arrow Improvement

14 +5 Pierce Baby Improvement

15 +5 Let’s Put Those Together

16 +5 Ability Score Improvement

17 +6 Arrow Improvement

18 +6 On A Rampage 19 +6 Ability Score Improvement

20 +6 Arrow Improvement, Fast Flyer Improvement

The Arrow

Beginning at first level, you have possessional (while using either the controller ring or pendant) control over a magical arrow that flies. - Requires controller to use otherwise lifelessly drops to the ground - Arrow range is 60ft (Additional 40ft added at levels 5,9,17,20[Arrow Improvement]) - Uses Constitution as modifier and bonus modifier -(1)d8 piercing damage (Additional d8 added at levels 5,9,17,20 [Arrow Improvement]) - Operates within line of sight (Additional 25ft out of sight movement added at levels 5, 9,17,20 [Arrow Improvement]) - Independent of its user (IE: if destroyed out of sight= unable to tell [Unless commanded to come back and it does not], cannot relay information until later levels)

Target Destination

Beginning at first level, not only can you use the arrow to attack, but also position within 60ft 3 of you (scales similar to Arrow range [Arrow Improvement])

Fast Flyer

At 2nd level, your quick thinking grants you the ability to maneuver your arrow through two targets per turn (Roll to hit still applies per target [Additional movement through another target added at levels 9,20])

Pierce Baby

At 3rd level, your Arrow’s strength grows with yours allowing it to pierce through 6 inches of wood to reach target destination. At 7th level, the arrow can pierce through 6in of stone. At 14th level, the arrow can pierce through 1ft of almost all material (at DM’s discretion)

Badass points

At 3rd level the Badassery of your actions comes at a cost. Badass points are rewarded (1)per kill (excluding plants) and actions like Inflame require a Badass point to cast. Starting at level 3, you have a total of 3 Badass points to store up to. You Gain 1 Badass Point Per Level

Inflame (1 point)

Becoming more in touch with your arrow, at 3rd level, grants you the ability to engulf the tip of the arrow in a vicious flame for a single turn. On contact with any flammable objects, ignites said object initially doing an additional +2 dmg as well as inflicting the fire damage tick. Casting with more Badass points increases the initial damage by 1 per point added

It’s Electric (2 points)

Becoming more in touch with your arrow, at 6th level, grants you the ability to harnesses the power of electricity to give a shocking blow to its target. On contact with any conductible surface, sends the charge through it initially doing +2 dmg as well as stunning the target for a single turn. Casting with more Badass points increases the initial damage by 1 per point added. Casting with additional Badass points that are a factor of 2 increase stun time by 1 turn

I’m Mary Poppins Ya’ll (3 points)

Becoming more in touch with your arrow, at 10th level, grants you the ability to channel the inner nostalgia of your childhood dreams to use your arrow as a holding point, and a glider. Grants feather falling and has 5ft of horizontal movement per 10ft of decent. Casting with additional Badass points that are a factor of 3 decrease the falling speed by 2 (caps at 2ft of decent)

Cloudy day (4 points)

Becoming more in touch with your arrow, at 11th level, the arrow gains the ability to summon Fog cloud from its barbs. Because you are just so badass, in addition to summoning Fog Cloud, you can see feint outlines of all shapes within the Fog Cloud. Casting with additional Badass points equal the amount required to cast, grants the Fog Cloud a poison element dealing 1d12 poison dmg (If failed Constitution save. Half dmg is applied if saved) to all within the cloud and poison dmg tick is applied for 4 turns.

Let’s Put Those Together (2 points)

Becoming more in touch with your arrow, at 15th level, grants the ability to tie two selected targets together. Casting with additional Badass points equal to the casting cost of previous elemental damage casts that ability through the thread that holds the two targets together.

On A Rampage

With a flurry of rage and precision, your arrow can quickly navigate through all targets, dealing 1/2th arrow damage. (Targets being hit is dependent on points used [Ex:5 points used= 5 targets hit] Roll to hit does not apply to all but the first target)

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