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Any and all who dared come here, state a Princess before you leave, or I'll have to hunt you down for drinking that witchs potion - you humanoid warlock.

Do it HERE:

Halo, Halo, Halo, my is it well, well, well of you to find this Monarchist- almost brought in the outside Realm... I played D&D at an Adventurer's League, with sketch of being an Animal, and a tidbit notation of Sellsword, Weapon Master and a Shadow Bringer background should my picture not be enough to convince my aspiration to play. As it were they were already in Campaign for the Tomb of Annihilation, but still let me join as a level 10 Champion. I did two tours then saved my Character from possible death when they reveal the Archenemy closure that next week. So, I came as a Sellsword, didnt die like the level 5 Paladin when the flames occurred under the golden mammoth statue, helped slew hags - where I spoke to a viper from a loot bag how to escape, leaving the Adventurer's to their quest... or whatever that was.

I found the 2nd Edition Leveling System before the 5th Edition was plamended, questing towards that story avenging myself to level 10, as a Solo Player. Whilst studying those levels I made my Shadow Bringer background more comely with the Thief's Handbook and the Path of Shadow book. And have been studying Dragon Hunting years before the League, after it created a Party Animal Restitution of Soulmate stuff being which Animal I am, hailing from Polska; which is something a Kawaler could do aside the Magister Degrees earned from there. Could of been Human, but I wanted to slay guile from fascists that have created more than 1 Accord, so I became the Brown Spotted Pit Viper. Amiably not albiet I dont hunt Races, I just slay primevally avenging my own Race. The Thieve's and Shadow's stuff was learned to reap Hostiles capturing Races, whether within or out of societies where the Race's Species - if Diplomed for or brooded for, I dont know how its said since not all Races get liberty to revel in their freedoms, as Nobility is not a defense. I assure you though, I am studying how to be a Kingdom in a pureblood sense, not imperial, to calculate how NPC's have their limits|legitamacies, without vile from - I'm done with ssssthinking that.

HERE is where you can tell me what Animal you are (if you want you can tell me your origins){I was a regular pit viper till some Age maturity evolved me quite largely into the Pit Viper with Arms I am today}:.

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