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This shortcut template is intended to save keystrokes when linking to 5e homebrew pages. The following table has examples of how it can be used.

Entered Text Result
{{5h|Creature|Mercenary Mage}} [[Mercenary Mage (5e Creature)|mercenary mage]]
{{5h|Spell|Homing Needles}} ''[[Homing Needles (5e Spell)|homing needles]]''
{{5H|Variant Rule|Undersized}} [[Undersized (5e Variant Rule)|Undersized]]

"Creature" becomes (5e Creature), "Variant Rule" becomes (5e Variant Rule), etc.

Notice how when Spell is entered, the resulting text is italicized as well.

By default, the resulting inline link is lowercase regardless of text entered. You can use proper nouns by using "{{5H}}" instead of {{5h}}.

Shorter shortcuts

In addition to the verbatim option, there are three shortcuts as follows.

Category Entered Text Result
Background {{5h|b|Cook}} [[Cook (5e Background)|cook]].
Creature {{5h|c|Mercenary Mage}} [[Mercenary Mage (5e Creature)|mercenary mage]].
Deity {{5h|d|Aberro}} [[Aberro (5e Deity)|aberro]].
Equipment {{5h|e|Tower Shield}} [[Tower Shield (5e Equipment)|tower shield]]
Feat {{5h|f|Iron Skin}} [[Iron Skin (5e Feat)|iron skin]]
Map {{5h|m|Example}} [[Example (5e Map)|example]]
Magic Item {{5h|mi|Witch Bow}} [[Witch Bow (5e Equipment)|''witch bow'']]
Other {{5h|o|Force Powers}} [[Force Powers (5e Other)|force powers]]
Quest {{5h|q|Under Siege}} [[Under Siege (5e Quest)|under siege]]
Race {{5h|r|Luma}} [[Luma (5e Race)|luma]]
Spell {{5h|s|Magic Needles}} ''[[Magic Needles (5e Spell)|magic needles]]''
Variant Rule {{5h|v|Fusion}} [[Fusion (5e Variant Rule)|fusion]]

See also

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homebrew pages!
