Talk:Shinobi (class)

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Seems overpowered[edit]

Seems overpowered. Compare to a fighter: BAB and HD size are lowered, and replaced with much better skills and eight useful special abilities. Tone it down, I say.

Besides, there's a far superior Shinobi no Bushi class from the Wizards forums. Will link to it here when I find it.


Ok, I kicked a couple of abilities, and changes class skills to Fighter skills. Should be less overpowered now. Lord_Canius


Hm... I think this is overpowered. They get all the fighter feats and flurry of blows, and special abilities? I think a extra feat at 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th might be better, with getting rid of all the bonus fighter feats. Green_Dragon


Consider it done. Lord_Canius

Good job[edit]

This is a good class. However, I think that it would be better if you added in what happens at first level, second, their backgruond, etc.

See the [[Templar Knight (DnD Class)|Knight]] page to see what I am talking about.


I've decided that I should change the name of my "shinobi" class to something else, as I found the other Shinobi class on the forums, and found it a much different character than mine, but a much better flavor of shinobi. I now need help thinking of a better name, so I'm calling it a Windblade until someone suggusts something better. I also tossed out an ability or 2, and added 2 new ones of my own custom make that give the class a bit more of a distinctive feel. Lord_Canius


I am liking what is happening to this class, the changes are good. As a side note however (Looking through "recent changes") I noticed that you do not have a username, you can sign up for a username and it takes no time. With this, you can actaully be called "Lord_Canius". You sign up for a username in the top right hand corner of the screen. Good luck with the class :).

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