Talk:Demon Slayer (Demon Slayer Supplement)

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Balance Suggestions[edit]

Mechanical Suggestions[edit]

General Questions[edit]

Love all of your stuff but what breathing style is coming out next and when, It would be soooo sick if its mist breathing style because no one has made a good one. -modgilgamesh101

It will take a long time for me to update this class again, although i was planning on doing Serphent Breathing next. But first i will rebalance most breathing styles, their damage is too much for what they do in the anime/manga. -Xandelicious

Alright thx for the quick response just remember that tengen destroyed an entire village as collateral damage without his bombs, so they should be strong and fast, not saying that they do hella damage, but they do alot damage. -modgilgamesh101

You missed spelled lethality, so I just did a quick fix.

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