Resoolt (Grisaire Supplement)

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Resoolt, The Spire Queen[edit]

Alignment. Lawful Neutral
Domains. grave, order
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Often simply known as the Spire Queen, Resoolt is a cold and forlorn goddess. She is known to favor only the strong and disciplined. The creation of all creatures arachnid is attributed to her, as well as many vile and wicked beings with no sense of morals. The creation of various fiends was a collaboration in part between her and Igu-Rab-Ichi. Her great secret treasure was supposedly the forbidden Arachnomicron, which is often vied for, said to be filled with secrets of grotesque alchemy to summon and control powerful arachnid monstrosities. Because of her obsession with strength, she repeatedly sought to accomplish things better than her fellow gods. It is said that she has a record of everything ever created by the gods, as well as her own twisted version of it that is meant to supersede the original. This earned the ire and alarm of some gods, who revoked her power of creation, much to her anger.

Though not able to create her beloved images anymore, Resoolt leads people on mad quests for self-destructive power and carnage. Few are able to withstand her trials, which are known to twist one's own morals into nothingness. Her influence is thought to be the most instinctual in all living things, and that is the savage desire to survive by any means necessary. While her power to create did not last long, her influence on creation nevertheless left an indelible mark and a myriad of cautionary tales about following one's inner selfishness to a fault.


Resoolt is well respected for her cruelty but also a sort of cynical lens that she brings to the world. Her focus on power establishes a kind of order and inevitability that pervades all of sapience. Her aspects include subjects many may find uncomfortable to confront.

Deinarr, Avatar of Justice[edit]

A particularly infamous avatar of Resoolt is that of Deinarr, the nongendered deity that was the symbol of justice from back in the Eldresin Empire. Deinarr appears like a tall, slender needle that can pierce the heavens made of bluish metal. It is symbolic of the thin line that one can call justice, precariously balanced. In reality, justice was defined by those in power. Laws detailing crimes were created by the rich and powerful. So Deinarr was a symbol of this crooked system that favors the strong and oppresses the weak, which prompted many theologians to question if "justice" was ever truly an objective idea to begin with.

Xechuatlin, Avatar of Coliseum[edit]

In the days of the Shadrin Sultanate, gladiator battles were a privilege to attend for nobles. It was the opportunity for them to witness true battles of strength and survival. Usually, the winners can earn their freedom and a hefty sum of money to start new lives, or even be hired on the spot as bodyguards by aristocrats. These battles were held under the watchful eye of Xechuatlin, Resoolt's patron aspect of the coliseum. Xechuatlin's form often was depicted as that of a spiny scorpion with faces of agony all over its mottled carapace. Statues of Xechuatlin would appear attached to walls that lined coliseums.

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