Precise Shot (5e Feat)

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Precise Shot

Prerequisites: Dexterity 18 or higher, proficiency with a ranged weapon/firearm
Your ranged attacks are lethally precise, as you instinctively aim at a creature's weak points.

* Your critical threat range increases by 1  (20 becomes 19-20, 19-20 becomes 18-20 etc.)
* You have a +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons.
* Whenever you hit a creature with a ranged attack you deal additional damage equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) + 1d4 force damage. If a creature is immune to force damage, it is treated as resistance for this damage. If the creature has resistance, it is treated as 
  normal and finally if the creature has neither immunity nor resistance it is treated as vulnerability.

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