Varda (3.5e Deity)

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Greater Deity
Symbol: A Silver Sunburst
Home Plane: Ethereal
Alignment: Any Lawful
Portfolio: Sun, War, Strength, Healing, Life
Clergy Alignments: Any Lawful
Domains: Glory, Sun, War, Healing
Favored Weapon: A Warhammer or Greatsword, wreathed in flames.


Varda is a sun goddess, and a champion of the living.


Varda is one of the Greater Sun deities that dwell in the Ethereal plane. Known as the "Queen of the Stars", Varda is a deity whom values life and the healing arts; whilest simultaneously abhorring all things to do with the undead and necromantic arts. Varda sees these resurrected souls as corrupted, vile forms of unlife.

Clergy and Temples[edit]

The clergy of Varda act as both counsel and crusader, simultaneously lending an uplifting hand to the weak and weary as they combat the undead with purifying flame and sacred steel. There are two sects that priests and priestesses of the Star Goddess enter into: The Hammer of the Dawn and the Chantry of Light.

The Hammer of the Dawn is the chamber militant of the faith, and acts as a rallying order for the many crusaders and clerics who combat the undead or those who further evil's cause whenever they appear. These priests use divine spells focusing on the powers of Varda's light, and gain appropriate boosts to any spell that channels that light.

The Chantry of Light serves a different, but equally important role. They are the healers and missionaries, exorcists and ministers. They aim to further the light of Varda through peaceful, practical means, but are not afraid to call down on Her light to smite those who would harm their flock when their is no other option but strife.

Temples to Varda are few, but grand; greatly ostentatious in their lightwork. Almost all of them have a large atrial dome with an oculus to allow the sun's rays to shine down on the faithful with a reverential glare.


Unlike some other solar deities, Varda does not subscribe to any particular pantheon.

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