Masak (Grisaire Supplement)

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The colorful and rich capital of Edim is home to beautiful constructions of lime and clay.

Notable Places[edit]

The Sayif Consortium is the so-called "Center of Knowledge" of all of Edim, hosting the grand library as well as a huge body of scholars, some of whom are foreigners. They are known to have strong ties to other institutions of research, like the heart root laboratories of Selif in Adum. A small body of occult researchers include gnomes, loxodon, leonin, and various other races. The consortium compiles various scrolls and books, buying and copying off merchants on various subjects not limited to mysticism, history, magic, and the like. They are well-known for brewing very strong coffee to fuel their researchers.

Dramatis Personae[edit]

Here is a small list of premade NPCs that reside in Masak:

  • Chielsko Nomgar is a gnome researcher that specializes in mysticism. He likes to dub his field of study "gnysticism" and is a playful scholar. Of recent, he has taken immense interest in Thors'ha Al'bidum, an old Kharimese site. However, without apt protection, he has no hope of completing any expedition.


Much of Masak's oldest buildings are of Kharimese vestige, located within the Qadhu district. They bear a distinct tower that always faces southwest. The southwest direction was an important omen in Kharim, being the direction associated with Orshiidi in their astrologer's chart. Orshiidi is one of the patrons of travelers, a source of riches which Masak heavily relies on. These small towers are usually only decorative. Residential houses do not have a tower, per se, but they usually have a section of wall that juts out, which appears almost like a chimney in the direction of the southwest.

Post-Kharim, Edim has fashioned their architecture to be more distinct. Many newer parts of the city reflect this

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