Ki Explosion (5e Feat)

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Ki Explotion

You have learned to release energy accumulated in your body and spirit in the form of expansive waves.

Your unarmed strike dice increase in one range (If it's 1d4, increase to 1d6. If it's 1d6, increase to 1d8, etc)

You get 2 Ki points if you didn't have any, if you already have Ki points you get 1 extra Ki point.

Cannon Punch: If you were to spend Ki points to perform an unarmed strke, you can instead choose to spend 1 extra Ki point and perform a blow that release a large amount of energy. The hit target must roll a Constitution saving throw; On a miss, the hit creature is pushed 10 feet in any direction, receiving the damage from the hit + 20 - the creature's AC (minimum +1) and becomes knocked prone. On a success, the creature is pushed but not knocked over and does not take the additional damage.

Energy Wave: Instead of making an unarmed attack you can choose to expend 2 Ki points to hit the ground and release an expansive wave of energy. 2d8 creatures within 15 feet must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be pushed back 10 feet from their position and be knocked prone taking damage of 20 - the creature's AC (minimum of 1). This feature can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus (maximum 5 times) regaining opportunities after a short or long rest.

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