Gravekeeper (5e Background)

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As a gravekeeper, you've spent your life tending to the final resting places of the deceased. While others may shy away from the eerie silence of graveyards, you find solace among the tombstones and spirits. Your respect for the dead is matched only by your determination to protect them from desecration.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Shovel

Languages: Common

Equipment: A shovel, a set of common clothes, a cloak, a lantern, a pouch containing 10g, 3 steel chisel , hammer

Guardian of the Beyond[edit]

As a gravekeeper, you hold a unique connection to the realm of the dead. You can sense dead souls and have advantage on checks related to dealing with undead .

Feature: Ghostly Respect[edit]

Ghosts and spirits recognize your dedication to their care and grant you passage without hostility. You also have an innate understanding of the supernatural, making it easier to communicate with undead .

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Your experiences as a gravekeeper have shaped your personality and outlook on life. Choose or roll for personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that reflect your character's unique journey.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I speak in hushed tones, as if always in the presence of the dead.
2 I find solace in the quiet solitude of graveyards.
3 I am fiercely protective of the spirits under my care.
4 I am unflinching in the face of death, having grown accustomed to its presence.
5 I believe every soul deserves peace, regardless of their past deeds.
6 I am haunted by visions of those who have passed, their silent pleas for closure echoing in my mind.
7 I am drawn to the supernatural, endlessly seeking to understand its mysteries.
8 I am stoic and reserved, my emotions buried deep beneath the weight of my duty.
d6 Ideal
1 **Peaceful Rest.** I strive to ensure every soul finds peace in death. (Good)
2 **Guardian of the Dead.** I am sworn to protect the sanctity of the graveyard at all costs. (Lawful)
3 **Harmony with Spirits.** I seek to establish harmony between the living and the dead. (Neutral)
4 **Conduit of the Beyond.** I embrace my connection to the spirit world, using it to guide and protect others. (Chaotic)
5 **Balance of Life and Death.** I recognize the delicate balance between life and death, and strive to maintain it. (Neutral)
6 **Mysteries Unveiled.** I am driven by a relentless curiosity to uncover the secrets of death and the afterlife. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 The ghosts of the garden are my kin, and I will protect them with my life.
2 I owe a debt to a powerful spirit, whose favor I must repay.
3 My shovel is more than just a tool—it is a symbol of my duty and devotion.
4 I seek to unravel the mystery of my own death, which continues to elude me.
5 The spirits have granted me a glimpse of the afterlife, and I am determined to prove its existence to the living.
6 I am bound by an oath to safeguard a hidden artifact, lest it fall into the wrong hands.
d6 Flaw
1 Adventuring has made me jaded and pessimistic, or paranoid and jumpy.
2 I am almost dangerously greedy.
3 I cannot resist a drink, or the folk who serve it.
4 I egregiously underestimate or overestimate the risks a job represents.
5 I cannot maintain meaningful relationships.
6 I cannot manage money to save my life.

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