Garuda (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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small monstrosity (shikigami), unaligned

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 3 (1d6-1)
Speed 30 ft. fly

12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) 5 (-3) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +3
Condition Immunities frightened, charmed
Senses passive Perception X
Languages understands it's master's languages, but can't speak.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Transforming Shikigami. As a bonus action, Garuda can transform itself into a "whip" or a "ball", becoming a cursed tool. While as a cursed tool, Garuda cannot take any kind of actions and cannot be targetted by attacks.

Whip. As a Whip, Garuda can be wielded by it's summoner as a normal whip would be. The summoner is considered proficient with Garuda and uses it's Charisma modifier for the attack and damage rolls. On a hit, Garuda deals 1d8 + Charisma modifier bludgeoning damage + 1d8 + it's summoner's Charisma modifier necrotic damage. The summoner may spend 1 cursed energy to make Garuda wrap itself around a target it hit with the whip, making it become grappled by Garuda while losing the ability to use it as a whip while it's grappling the target. Creatures grappled this way are also considered restrained.

The target may try to leave the grapple by making a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) against Garuda's Strength save at the beggining of their turns. On a failure, they remain grappled and receive the whip's damage. On a success, they leave the grapple and Garuda goes back to within 5ft. of it's summoner instantly.

Ball. As a Ball, Garuda can be kicked by it's summoner to deal massive amounts of damage. The summoner may use an action to kick the ball against a target within 60ft. of it, making a ranged cursed energy attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 bludgeoning damage and takes twice as much damage to one of their limbs. After hitting or missing a target, Garuda instantly reappears within 5ft. of it's summoner on it's normal form.


Peck. Melee weapon attack, +3 to hit, 5ft., 1d4 + 1 piercing damage.


Transformation. Garuda transforms itself into a "whip" or a "ball".

Garuda, the shikigami used by the Special Grade Sorcerer Tsukumo Yuki, source [1]

Garuda is a long white cursed spirit with a unique appearance. It has a long, serpent-esque body with sections that are covered with bone-like columns. This same material comprises Garuda's head, which is complete with two eyes and a bird-like bill. It also possesses eight wings that levitate around its body and enable flight. Garuda can have virtual mass added to it using Star Rage, as it's the only thing affected by the cursed technique other than the user. Star Rage transforms Garuda into a cursed tool that the user can use in battle. Garuda can also act and fight independently regardless; whether or not Star Rage is active as well. [2]

(one vote)

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