Discussion:What are some good epic level class choices?

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What are some good epic level class choices?[edit]

Jamesja12 13:36, 4 October 2009 (MDT)[edit]

Hey I'm going to do a epic campaign soon... What should i be? I cant decide.

Name Violation 17:10, 4 October 2009 (MDT)[edit]

Be a colorblind wizard/sorc with a parrot. use nothing but prismatic spells and joke that its always gray and you dont know whats going on

  Hooper   talk    contribs    email   19:00, 4 October 2009 (MDT)[edit]

By asking this question I am assuming you are beginning this campaign at epic level, and therefore not an old character you've leveled up (because if the later were true, this question wouldn't need to be asked). With that in mind, we'd really need more information to answer. Every player has a different style and every gaming group is unique. A player also should consider the direction the campaign will take, and make sure to have an appropriate character in mind. So, for a more clear answer, you'll first need to provide some of the following: what type of characters do you enjoy playing?, what role in the party favors you?, and what are your goals in the game?.

Jamesja12 07:29, 9 October 2009 (MDT)[edit]

Never mind I already started it i ended up being a cleric5 sorc8 mystic theurge 10 arch mage2 But feel free to post comments for other people..

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