Discussion:Drugs 3.5/5e

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Call Me Snake (talk04:43, 27 August 2023 (MDT)[edit]

Hello everybody! I'm searching for the rules of real-life drugs in 3.5/5e, such as morphine, cocaine, heroine, and so on. I am pretty sure that there used to be entries in this Wiki for each of those drugs, in the equipment section. The rules were very detailed and absolutely genius, I used them extensively in my module which was taking place in the "sin city"-Las Vegas of middle age-sort of setting. It was long ago, however (in 2020 I think), and now I cannot find those entries either on this Wiki or anywhere on the Internet. As I understand the articles on drugs were removed by admins since the gamey approach is perhaps not the best presentation of real-world drugs for the younger DnD audience. So that's may be the reason why those rules are not accessible anymore. It is fair, but I would be really interested in those rules if somebody still has them saved. If you don't want them to be published anywhere, perhaps you could send them to me on my email? It is also possible that I'm tripping and there were never such rules on this Wiki. However I remember that I've used homebrew rules for diseases such as smallpox or tetanus in the same module, and those are still here. Please help me in my search if you can!

Call Me Snake (talk06:29, 27 August 2023 (MDT)[edit]

UPD: I am pretty sure that the page under question had a name "Contemporary Drugs" and was deleted 30 April 2021. If you don't want to restore that page for one reason or other, can you please share its content, which was invaluable to me as the only adequate implementation of drugs in DnD that I could ever find on the Internet?

LOG: 17:37, 30 April 2021 Blobby383b talk contribs deleted page Talk:Contemporary Drugs (DnD Other) (Dependent on a nonexistent or deleted page: content was: "#REDIRECT Talk:Contemporary Drugs (5e Other)", and the only contributor was "Vladulenta" (talk)) 17:36, 30 April 2021 Geobot671 talk contribs deleted page Sora, Initial Release (5e Creature) (Bot: Deleting all candidates for deletion with no edits for at least two weeks.) 17:36, 30 April 2021 Blobby383b talk contribs deleted page Contemporary Drugs (DnD Other) (Error correction: content was: "#REDIRECT Contemporary Drugs (5e Other)", and the only contributor was "Vladulenta" (talk)) 17:36, 30 April 2021 Geobot671 talk contribs deleted page School of the magician (variant) (Bot: Deleting all candidates for deletion with no edits for at least two weeks.) 17:36, 30 April 2021 Geobot671 talk contribs deleted page Rogue (Berserk Supplement (Bot: Deleting all candidates for deletion with no edits for at least two weeks.) 17:36, 30 April 2021 Geobot671 talk contribs deleted page Rampaging Warrior (Bot: Deleting all candidates for deletion with no edits for at least two weeks.) 17:36, 30 April 2021 Blobby383b talk contribs deleted page Talk:Contemporary Drugs (5e Other) (Dependent on a nonexistent or deleted page: Talk page of a deleted page)

Call Me Snake (talk07:24, 27 August 2023 (MDT)[edit]

UPD: I've posted a request in User talk:Admin. Sorry for the excessive spam, couldn't figure out how does it work here. Please delete this page if you can.

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