Demolishing Onslaught (5e Feat)

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Demolishing Onslaught

Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity 16 or Higher, Medium Size
When you manage to grab a creature up to a large size, you can move with that creature up to 15 feet away, pushing any creature or enemy in front of you, not provoking attacks of opportunity. When you finish the distance covered, you can end this action by throwing the enemy up to 9 meters away or dealing bashing damage with the same creature.

If the creature is heavier than you, you can't use it as a weapon or push it, but you can throw it. The throw is equivalent to 4.5 meters.

The distance traveled when carrying a creature increases by 20 feet (8th level), 25 feet (13th level), and up to your base walking speed (18th level) with each class level reached.

(3 votes)

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