Cursed Silver Coin (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This seemingly ordinary silver coin bears a faint, eerie glow that betrays the malevolent enchantment placed upon it. Its surface is marred by mysterious, ever-shifting symbols that seem to mock any attempt at understanding them. When you hold it, you can feel an unnatural pull, as if the coin yearns to be close to you.

Curse of Binding Metals. Whenever the coin reappears, it carries with it a malevolent aura that seeks to absorb the wealth of those nearby. It siphons a d6 amount of copper coins from any pouch or container within a 1-meter radius and draws them back into your coinpurse. This eerie phenomenon can be unnerving to those who witness it, as their copper coins inexplicably vanish.

Coin's Retribution. If someone attempts to steal or forcibly take the cursed coin from you, it retaliates with a curse. The cursed coin drains all copper coins from the thief's possession and transfers them to your coinpurse. The thief must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to avoid this effect. If they fail, they lose all their copper coins, and the cursed coin returns instantly to your coinpurse with its bounty, however if they succeed, the coin stays with them for the remainder of the 8 hours, then returns to your coinpurse empty handed. This ability can only activate once per 24 hours per thief.

Draining Luck. As you carry this cursed coin, you can't help but notice the sinister influence it exerts on your fate. Every 8 hours, without fail, the coin disappears from wherever you placed it, only to reappear within your coinpurse. This constant cycle has a draining effect on your luck. When the coin returns, you can't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The draining influence of this cursed coin remains, and as a result, you must still roll a twenty-sided die (d20) each time it returns. If the result is a 1, a dark cloud of misfortune shrouds your every move. Until the next dawn, you suffer a persistent disadvantage on all ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls. It's as if the universe conspires against you, making even the simplest tasks more challenging.

Curse. This coin is cursed. Attuning to this item curses you until you are targeted by a remove curse spell or similar magic.

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