Circle of the Watchers (5e Subclass)

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Circle of the Watchers[edit]

Druid Subclass

Knowledge-seeking and perceptive watchers, follow the way of the natural order world. Often they follow some or all of these 5 conditions: Birth, Learn, Adapt, Survive and Tradition.

  • Birth : The Circle of Watchers believes and sees the beginning of new life as a blessing. They often celebrate death and see it as a starting of a new life, elsewhere.
  • Learn : The Circle of Watchers loves to observe and understand. They find the more they observe, the deeper the connection with nature becomes.
  • Adapt : The Circle of Watchers enjoy advancement. They follow the times and often do not hesitate to change their ways if they deem it necessary.
  • Survive : The Circle of Watchers value survival, not only of their own lives but of everything they deem worthy.
  • Tradition : The Circle of Watchers love tradition, they often study and adapt their own traditions based on other species.

Features are granted at Levels: 2, 6, 10, 14.

Learning Journal of Shifting

At 2nd level, during a short or long rest, spend 1 hour creating and/or summoning a magical journal used to take notes of your observations. The Journal can be used as a spellcasting focus in addition to, when equipped, allowing as a bonus action to expend 1 Wild Shape use to transform into any beast you can currently see (in accordance to the Wild Shape restrictions).

Additionally, you can assume the form of any humanoid or monstrosity you can currently see, at the cost of an action. Inside the journal, as an action, you can write down the form of a monstrosity or beast, holding a maximum number of creatures equal to your 2 + your proficiency bonus + Wisdom Modifier.

  • Humanoid Shifting - No stats change, no spells change. You look and sound the same as your target for an amount of minutes equal to twice your druid level.
  • Monstorcity Shifting - Lasts for a number of minutes equal to half of your druid level (rounded down), with no swimming or flying limitations. CR Restrictions apply as normal.

Journal Shifting - Writing down a form costs a Wild Shape use however, does not cost any to transform into the creature. Creatures written in the book are classed as "Currently Seen". You can replace a creature of the same type (I.E Beast, Monstrosity) as an action or as apart of the same action without expending an additional Wild Shape use. Note: After transformation of any kind that requires "currently see", sight does not need to be maintained. Note: in terms of sight, both magical and physical sight is included.

Birth of a Faithful Companion

At 2nd level, Your journal evolves and brings to life a Faithful Companion. You can describe what it looks like or use the table provided below. The Creature follows a particular set of rules as follows:

  • The creature is classed as Small
  • Not capable of speech. However, you can telepathically communicate with the creature if it is within 120 feet.
  • Walk speed of 30 feet.
  • Actions and movements are separate from the player
  • 20 hit points
  • Same Core Stats as Player
  • Obeys the player
  • In combat dodge action is taken every turn (unless Wild Shaped)
  • If the creature falls to 0 hit points, it dies instantly and can be resummoned by completing a 4-hour summoning ritual whilst resting. Your Journal must be present to conduct this ritual.
  • As an action the creature can assume the form of any creature that has been written in the Players Journal. This is treated as Wild Shape
  • classed as a beast for all spell-related situations
Faithful Companion Style Table
d6 Outcome
1 A small, green, slime
2 A small, grey, quadrupedal cloud
3 A small, red, robot
4 A small, purple, Lizard
5 A small, yellow, snake
6 A small, orange, snail
Natural Way of Survival Spell Absorption

At 6th level, when seeing a spell being cast, you may study how to use it but at a percentage of its strength. the spell is added to your spell list and does not count as a prepared spell. They are counted as a druid spell for you however you must still use the original casting type that was used when viewing it.

When activating this feature to learn a spell, roll a D10 and multiply the result by 10. Based on the result lower the spell's Duration (for concentration spells), Outputted Damage (for offensive spells), or healing output (healing spells). This is at the GMs discretion If the spell does not have any of these, the spell becomes unstable, the GM may decide how to dictate the success or failure. This can be done through a coin flip or any other way the GM decides)

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier however may only learn 3 spells at a time, when learning a new spell you may choose a previous one to replace. You cannot use this feature in an antimagic field, a wish spell can remove any of these

Adaptive Shaping

At 10th level, your knowledge of shifting deepens. Note: You can only use one of these features per turn in battle. This feature can only be used a number of times equal to: 1 + your Wisdom Modifier. All expended uses are reset on a long rest. As an action OR bonus action you can choose to:

  • When using your Wild Shape feature on yourself, choose to only take 1 feature from the target.
  • When your Faithful Companion is wildshaping, it can now assume Your humanoid form for 1 minute. In combat, you share a movement speed however have separate actions and reactions. Your Companion can now talk for the wild shape duration. Your Companion does not have any bonus actions.
Tradition of The Watchers

At 14th level, evolve your tradition! Upon unlocking this feature, you may choose 2 options between Abberations, Constructs, Dragons, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Giant, Ooze, Plant or Undead, You can, abiding by the Expanded Journal Table below and Wild Shape restrictions, write these creatures into your Journal. Over the course of 8-Hours rest, you may change 1 of these options to another option. Note: you cannot Wild Shape directly into these creatures. Note: A GM may adjust these rules dependent on the creature. Time shifted is not halved unless explicitly stated.

Expanded Journal Table
Creature Type Outcome
Abberations Follow the "Monstrosity" Guidelines given in your "Learning Journal of Shifting" Feature. Half the amount of time you can stay shifted
Constructs Follow the "Monstrosity" Guidelines given in your "Learning Journal of Shifting" Feature. Half the amount of time you can stay shifted
Dragons Follow the "Monstrosity" Guidelines given in your "Learning Journal of Shifting" Feature. Half the amount of time you can stay shifted
Elementals Elementals that have a CR of 1/2 or below are treated as beasts for you. Above 1/2, Follow the "Monstrosity" Guidelines given in your "Learning Journal of Shifting Feature.
Fey Fey that have a CR of 1/2 or below are treated as beasts for you. Above 1/2, Follow the "Monstrosity" Guidelines given in your "Learning Journal of Shifting Feature.
Fiend Fiends that have a CR of 1/2 or below are treated as beasts for you. Above 1/2, Follow the "Monstrosity" Guidelines given in your "Learning Journal of Shifting Feature.
Giant Giants are classed as Humanoids for you. Follow the "Humanoid" Guidelines given in "Learning Journal of Shifting" Feature.
Ooze Ooze are classed as Beasts for you.
Plant Plants that have a CR of 1/2 or below are treated as beasts for you. Above 1/2, Follow the "Monstrosity" Guidelines given in your "Learning Journal of Shifting Feature.
Undead Undead that have a CR of 1/2 or below are treated as beasts for you. Above 1/2, Follow the "Monstrosity" Guidelines given in your "Learning Journal of Shifting Feature.
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