Autistic (5e Background)

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Autism, also referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a common neurological disorder that affects 1 in 100 people across the realms, often to varying degrees. While once thought to only occur in human males, it is now known that autism can affect anyone regardless of race or gender. Those with autism usually refer to themselves as an “autistic person” rather than a ”person with autism” to emphasize that their autism is an intrinsic part of them. Autism is typically associated with social impairments and repetitive behaviors, but the extent of that varies. The presentation of autism varies widely from person to person, so take this information as only a suggestion when creating an autistic character.

Skill Proficiencies: Special Interest: Autistic people often focus intensely and singularly on one very specific thing. They frequently immerse themselves in it to the point of enjoying nothing else. This topic gives them passion and energy. Choose any one skill and give yourself expertise in it.

Tool Proficiencies: Special Interest, Continued: Also choose any tool (excluding weapons) and give yourself expertise in it.

Languages: Language ability varies wildly among autistic people. While some autistic people are very skilled with languages and can even be considered polyglots, others are not able to speak at all. Those who cannot use communication cards, sign language, or (if they are a caster class) magic that allows what they want to say to be heard audibly. No two autistic people will be alike when it comes to language. Choose any number of languages between 0 and 3 for your character.

Equipment: A set of common clothes (made of sensory friendly fabric), a fidget device, noise-cancelling headphones, and 12 gold pieces.

Feature: Deviation from Norms[edit]

Due to autistic people thinking differently from the rest of society, they often do not pick up on social norms. They can fail to understand trends, and are known for being difficult to persuade to do something. Autistic people frequently go against the grain. Gain resistance to psychic damage and advantage on all saving throws to avoid being charmed.

Alternate Feature: Sensory Overload[edit]

Autistic people process sensory information differently. What to a “normal” person would be a harmless amount of light, sound, or smell can to an autistic person be extremely damaging. It can distract them, aggravate them, or even trigger damaging meltdowns. Gain vulnerability to radiant and thunder damage.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Autistic people have as wide a variety of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws as any other person. While some features are common among autistics, it is difficult for any generalizations to truly be made. Just because two people share a neurotype does not mean they will have the same desires or goals. For this reason, I am omitting the Suggested Characteristics, because there is no way for it to truly represent all autistic people. Use other aspects of your character, such as occupation, class, or backstory, to determine character traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws.

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