Idenmoor (March of Chelwyn Supplement)

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Idenmoor is the home of the High Elves and none other are tolerated to approach the green shores. The entire island is wrapped in an eldrich mist that actively defies penetration. Only one of elven blood can ask the mists to part, and only a pure High Elf can hope to do so reliably. Ships that try to sail through the mist have reported landing on the shores of Fier Dahl or Sepental as if the island never existed. One tale of the Orcs sending attack ships intent on landing at Idenmoor tell of the ships being swallowed by a great whirlpool that survivors claim emptied them into the Sunless Sea of Pandemonium.

Idenmoor has likewise abandoned its colonies to their own fates. The sight of a High Elf outside of Idenmoor is exceedingly rare and an actual ship flying the Lady's Banner beyond the mists is unheard of.

The bulk of the land is undeveloped save the north shore where wheat fields and apple orchards provide the bulk of the food for the island. The majority of the island is virgin forest and the indigenous fauna is allowed to run free so long as they do not cause a threat to the balance. Herds are culled for meat to prevent overpopulation and animals that show signs of disease or dire taint are put down quickly.

Drione, Heart of Olve[edit]

Drione has existed since what the Elves call the Skyfall in the Fifth Age. The city is ringed by three massive walls of Waterstone, a form of magically hardened Alabaster known only to the Elves. The heart of the city is dominated by the Citadel Parnassos, a massive crystalline palace made to resemble a gargantuan butterfly. Drione is home to the Elven Court, the de facto ruling body of the Elven kingdom.

The Elven Court is not a true court in classic definition, but rather an assemblage of the wise among the Elves. None bear any title other than Lord or Lady, and although all defer without question to the Lady Luthien as a Queen none use the title. Still, as unfond of titles as the Elves are, they have no issue with mustering a massive military force and behaving in all manner as a kingdom.

Inuviel, City of Tears[edit]

Inuviel is less a City than a great iron keep protecting the island's only deepwater docks. The keep does have a large civilian population however, as Inuviel also provides grain storage from the cultivated fields of the northern reach.

The docks of Inuviel are also home of the shipworks, and repairs to the Naval Corvettes and Frigates take place here. Sightings of winged craft that sail the air with great speed have been largely dismissed as drunken rumors and the few reports of the Inuviel shipworks describe completely standard drydocks as one would expect to repair normal seafaring wooden ships.

The Watchtowers[edit]

Eril Dran, Tower of the Knife

Eril Wan, Tower of the Dawn

Eril Tori, Tower of the Sky

Eril Kurin, Tower of the Hart

Eril Abend, Tower of Night

Eril Vert, the Green Tower

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