File talk:Island of Hesjing.JPG

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I am using Valgora and love it as a campaign setting. My characters are on Hesjing and I'm attempting to use this map. However, I'm noting that there is something weird about the scale of the sprawling capital city. If the scale in miles in the bottom right of the map is accurate, and is 100 miles long... that means that at base overland travel for someone walking from the Royal Palace to the Talaran University --a distance of at least 150 miles-- it would take more than 6 days. Traveling from the palace to the docks would take weeks.

The caption for the map said "A Novice Cartographer's map of Talara" so that's probably my hint that this map is not perfect scale. Or the city is really really sprawling.

<<insert standard heaps of overwhelming praise for the campaign setting as a whole plus assurances of it being awesome despite this surprising scale, yadda, yadda.>>

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