Divinities (Duality&Dice 5e Homebrew)

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A part of the Duality&Dice Homebrew, more impactful than a normal subclass which grants unique abilities for each level.

Divinities List[edit]

Mountain Shaper: Earth Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Blessed by the Earth itself, you feel immense strength through your veins. You gain the following ability.

Iron Will[edit]
  • Your hit dice increases to a d10.
  • You gain resistance to Slashing damage.

2nd Level[edit]

The Earth resonates within you. You gain the following ability.

Resonating Geo[edit]
  • When landing an attack that does Bludgeoning damage, you can expend 1 Zenire to boost the damage by 2 tiers.
  • All bludgeoning damage you deal will deal half damage to all creatures within 5ft of the target(excluding you).

3rd Level[edit]

You can shape the ground to protect or defend. You gain the following ability.

Sediment Shielding[edit]
  • As a bonus action, you can create a 15ftx5ftx20ft(lxwxh) wall from the ground. It's hit points will be dependent on the material of the ground to a maximum of 15*your Zenire attack bonus and as a minimum of your proficiency bonus.
  • When this wall is broken, it will deal 7d8 bludgeoning damage to all creatures within 5ft of the wall.

4th Level[edit]

The essence of the Earth has made your skin tough as stone. You gain the following ability.

Bedrock Body[edit]
  • Your AC increases by 3.
  • You gain resistance to Piercing damage.
  • As a reaction for 5 Zenire, you can harden your body in response to an attack. You will take the minimum possible damage from that damage source.

5th Level[edit]

You've finally grasped how to use the Earth around you for offense. You gain the following ability.

Geode Grasp[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 7 Zenire, you can make a Zenire attack roll against an enemy within 45ft. On a successful hit, you deal 12d8 Bludgeoning damage and Restrain the target.
  • When landing a successful attack, you can make a Grapple check on an opponent. Opponents grappled in this way will be Restrained.

6th Level[edit]

A strange aura seems to follow you everywhere you go. Has your Zenire attracted a strong force? You gain the following ability.

Earth Shaker[edit]
  • Upon landing an attack against an opponent, you can spend 10 Zenire to inflict violent shockwaves in their body. The creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 26d12 Bludgeoning damage and be Stunned. The creature takes half as much on a success and is Staggered.

7th Level[edit]

An Earthly Spirit opens itself onto you. Use its power wisely. You gain the following ability.

  • As a bonus action for 10 Zenire, you can summon Kyusetsu. Kyusetsu exists in your location. While Kyusetsu is active you gain a +4 to AC, a +5ft range with melee attacks, an additional Extra Attack, and an additional bonus action. Any unarmed strikes made with Kyusetsu deal Force damage. Kyusetsu disappears after 1 minute.

8th Level[edit]

The power of this spirit strengthens both you and your power. You gain the following ability.

Spiritual Bond[edit]
  • You gain a +3 to Strength and Constitution.
  • You gain resistance to Force damage.
  • While Kyusetsu is active, you gain +20ft movement speed and +2 to all saving throws.

9th Level[edit]

Those who oppose the earth, should have their wings clipped. You gain the following ability

  • As a bonus action for 22 Zenire, you can Paralyze a creature within 50ft of you horizontally and 150ft of you vertically for 1 minute.

10th Level[edit]

The Divine Domain of the Earth, has opened to you, and with it, it's power. You gain the following ability.

Burial Beneath Bedrock[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can dive underground and snatch one target up to 100ft away from you. The target will be dragged underground to the core of the Earth taking 50d8 Bludgeoning damage on the way there. While inside the Divine Domain, all of your Divinity Abilities will automatically hit. The ground is constantly rumbling and the target creature is inflicted with the Staggered Debuff. Additionally the walls are slowly closing in. The area starts at 45ft radius and slowly closes 5ft per round. You can hide within the walls freely. When the walls close in, the target creature will take 170d8 Bludgeoning damage that ignores resistances and immunities. Then, the domain ends and you and the target creature are launched back to the surface.

Storm Chaser: Storm Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

You've felt good during the rainstorms, neat. You are now blessed by the Storms. You gain the following ability.

Storm Veins[edit]
  • You gain a +10ft movement speed.
  • You have resistance to Lightning damage.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Lightning.

2nd Level[edit]

Electricity flows through all. So shall the storms. You gain the following ability.

Electric Palm[edit]
  • When making an attack, you can expend 4 Zenire to swap the attack to an Electric Palm. On a successful hit, the creature will take 8d8 Lightning damage and will be Stunned until the start of it's next turn.

3rd Level[edit]

The storms call forth for you. Use them wisely. You gain the following ability.

Lightning Strike[edit]
  • As an action for 12 Zenire, you can call the wrath of the storms on a 20ft radius 120ft height cylinder. All creatures within the area must succeed a Dexterity Saving throw or take 48d12 Lightning damage or half as much on a success. If a creature fails the save they must make a Constitution Saving Throw or take 12d6 Thunder damage and be Paralysed until the start of your next turn.

4th Level[edit]

To be fast as lightning is no easy feat. You gain the following ability.

Flash Step[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 3 Zenire, you can teleport to a location within 15ft of you. Afterwards you gain a 25ft movement speed buff for 2 rounds.
  • As an action for 1 Zenire, you can place a Raijin marker. You can use Flash Step to teleport to a Raijin marker up to 500ft away.

5th Level[edit]

Electricity flows throughout all life. Use that. You gain the following ability.

Chain Lightning[edit]
  • When dealing Lightning damage to a creature, the damage can chain off onto another creature within 10ft of the original target. The chained lightning will deal half damage to each chain impact target. The lightning can chain an infinite amount of times as long as there is a creature within reach.

6th Level[edit]

Static electricity can be quite dangerous. You gain the following ability.

Static Shock[edit]
  • When attacking a creature that hasn't moved this round, you gain advantage and deal and additional 5d8 Lightning damage.

7th Level[edit]

Who would've thought magnets would help with storms. You gain the following ability.

  • As a bonus action for 8 Zenire, you can create a Positive or Negative pole on any creatures within 60ft of you. Creatures with opposite poles will be pulled together if they are within 15ft of each other and creatures with the same poles cannot move closer than 10ft to each other. Poles last for 1 minute.

8th Level[edit]

The storms rage, yet you seem to quell them. You gain the following ability.

Lightning Rod[edit]
  • When a creature within 15ft of you receives Lightning damage, you can use your reaction to redirect it to yourself. Charging you up and granting you 2 stacks of the Radiant buff.
  • You gain immunity to Lightning damage and resistance to Thunder damage.
  • You gain an additional reaction each turn.

9th Level[edit]

Lightning fast, it's not that hard. You gain the following ability.

Swift as Lightning[edit]
  • Your movement speed increases by 50ft.
  • You can dash as a bonus action.
  • Once per turn you can increase your movement speed by 50%.

10th Level[edit]

The storm's rage now fills your being, and grants its Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

With Lightning's Wrath Comes Thunder's Might[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can teleport yourself and a creature within 30ft of you to the storms. Any attack that deals Lightning damage is guaranteed to hit within the Divine Domain. All Lightning damage is maximized within the Divine Domain. Whenever Lightning damage is done within the Divine Domain, Thunder damage equal to 50% (rounded up) of the Lightning damage dealt will additionally be inflicted. After the target creature exits your Divine Domain, they are Deafened for 1 minute. The Divine Domain lasts for 1 minute or if you dispel it as a free action.

Heartfelt Lover: Love Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

It's strange really, lover not a fighter has been taken to new heights being blessed by Love. You gain the following ability.

Caring Soul[edit]
  • You have advantage to all Charisma checks.
  • You are immune to being Charmed.
  • You do not stop the Charmed condition by attacking the creature.

2nd Level[edit]

Where love stands, healing and joy is sure to come. You gain the following ability.

Loving Words[edit]
  • You gain a +1 to Charisma
  • As a bonus action for 4 Zenire, you can make a Persuasion check on a creature within 15ft of you, telling them loving words. That creature will heal an amount equal to the number rolled.
  • As an action you can attempt to Charm a creature within 30ft of you. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be Charmed for 1 minute.

3rd Level[edit]

Love can be used to get your way, but don't let that corrupt you. You gain the following ability.

Untamed Affection[edit]
  • You gain a +1 to Charisma
  • You have complete control over any creature you have Charmed.
  • Creatures remain Charmed by you 50% (rounded up) longer. For example a creature Charmed for 10 rounds would instead be Charmed for 15 rounds.

4th Level[edit]

Your love is true, your allies feel this effect. You gain the following ability.

Unconditional Love[edit]
  • You gain a 30ft aura in which you can spend 4 Zenire as an action to heal all allies (not including yourself) within the radius by your Persuasion modifier.
  • When healing allies, you can expend 6 Zenire to grant the Radiant Buff to all allies healed.

5th Level[edit]

Just loving people alone won't be enough, you have to fight for your love. You gain the following ability.

Lover and a Fighter[edit]
  • You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures you have Charmed.
  • When a creature hits you, they must make a Wisdom Saving throw or be Charmed by you.
  • You can add your Persuasion modifier to the damage of your attacks.

6th Level[edit]

To love another, one must love oneself first. You gain the following ability.

Self Love[edit]
  • When healing another creature, you can heal yourself half as much of the hitpoints healed.
  • When you are healed, you gain an additional bonus action. This effect can only be triggered once per round.

7th Level[edit]

Loving too much is called obsession. Maybe love can be used as a weapon. You gain the following ability.

Cupid’s Arrow[edit]
  • As an action for 6 Zenire, you can make a ranged Zenire attack on a creature up to 100ft away from you. On a hit, the creature will take 15d6 Piercing damage and will be charmed.

8th Level[edit]

The healing power of love shall overcome all odds. You gain the following ability.

I’m Right By Your Side[edit]
  • You gain a 30ft aura, you can select any number of creatures within the aura to gain the Blossoming Bud Buff. Additionally, all of the selected creatures can choose to reduce damage by 50%(rounded up) once per round.
  • As a reaction for 11 Zenire, you can grant all selected creatures in the radius to gain the Unkillable Buff and remove one Debuff.

9th Level[edit]

Love is mutual, it affects both parties. You gain the following ability.

Bonded Love[edit]
  • When an ally within 60ft of you gets a Buff, you receive the same Buff.
  • When an ally within 100ft of you is healed, you are healed the same amount.
  • As an action for 10 Zenire, you can bond to a specific creature. Both you can the target will be healed 10d8 hit points at the start of your turn.

10th Level[edit]

The aspect of love itself. That is why the Divine Domain exists. That is why it has chosen you. You gain the following ability.

A Mother's Arms[edit]
  • As a full round action for 50 Zenire, you can embrace any number of creatures within 100ft of you with Motherly Love(except yourself). All chosen creatures will continuously be healed 24d12 hit points and gain the Unkillable Buff at the start of their respective turns. At the start of every turn, you must use your action to maintain the domain, otherwise it will end. The domain can last up to 5 minutes or until you stop the continuation.

Optional 10th Level: Alternate Domain[edit]

Prerequisites: Chaotic Alignment

Your love, it's different than others. How can you just love? How does love affect life? Why won't you love me? You gain the following ability.

Deranged Obsession[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can fall in love with a creature within 60ft of you. All creatures within 100ft of you are Frightened until the domain ends. Every round, the target must succeed a Wisdom Saving throw or be Charmed by you. Each round you will take 6d4 Piercing damage and will be inflicted with the Bleeding Debuff. If the target is Charmed, they will take Emotional damage equal to 20x the amount of damage you take. During the domain, both you and the target are incapacitated. The domain ends when either you or the target dies.

11th Level[edit]

Love can be devastating as a weapon, but is this truly love? You gain the following ability.

Kiss of Death[edit]
  • As an action for 26 Zenire, you can make a Zenire melee attack against a creature within 5ft of you. On a hit, the target will take 75d10 Emotional damage and will be Charmed. You will heal half of the damage dealt in this way and restore 15 Zenire.

Celestial Daydream: Moon Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Nighttime is serene, it feels at home, the chill of the Night blesses you. You gain the following ability.

Lunar Light[edit]
  • You gain resistance to Radiant damage.
  • You only need 4 hours of rest to complete a long rest.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage to Radiant

2nd Level[edit]

The faint moonglow. So subtle. Yet, so powerful. You gain the following ability.

Moonlit Orb[edit]
  • As an action, you can create a small orb in your hand which provides dim light in a 10ft radius. You can throw this orb as a bonus action making a ranged Zenire attack roll. On a hit, it will deal 10d4 Radiant damage.

10th Level[edit]

The Divine Domain of the moon, take you out of this world. You gain the following ability.

Cycle of the Moon[edit]

Masterful Hacker: Technology Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Boomers say technology is hard, watch what you can do with your blessings of Technology. You gain the following ability.

Tech Savvy[edit]
  • You gain a +2 to your Zenire Ability Score.
  • You have advantage in all skill checks involving modern technology.
  • You can Google how to do something, giving a +5 in the skill check. You can do this an amount of times equal to your Zenire modifier

2nd Level[edit]

Technology is quite simple. Time to prove yourself right. You gain the following ability.

  • As a bonus action for 1 Zenire, you can hack into a piece of technology within 30ft of you, granting you low tier access. A Firewall or VPN will block your hack.

3rd Level[edit]

The process of technology allows for amazing enhancements. You gain the following ability.


4th Level[edit]

Technology is everywhere, you just have to know how to use it. You gain the following ability.

Matrix Vision[edit]
  • You can see all technology within a 120ft range.
  • You can now bypass Firewalls when Hacking.
  • You can now hack two pieces of technology with one use of Hack.

5th Level[edit]

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. You gain the following ability.

Ring Ring[edit]
  • You gain the Phone Call Auxiliary. This does not count as your chosen auxiliary and you cannot switch it out.

6th Level[edit]

It's amazing how people can be so dumb at technology. You gain the following ability.

Internet Humiliation[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 4 Zenire, you can hack into a creatures mind and steal embarrassing memories. The creature must make an Intelligence saving throw or you will have access to their darkest secrets and they will be inflicted by the Ratio Debuff.

7th Level[edit]

Tech isn't all hacking, creations come easily. You gain the following ability.

Intel Cage[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 5 Zenire, you can create an Intel Cage. You can have up to your Intelligence modifier amount of Intel Cages at a time.
  • As an action you can throw an Intel Cage up to 30ft. Where it lands it will create a 10ft radius cylinder that reaches up and down 15ft. All creatures in the radius will be revealed to you and you will have advantage and a +20 to hit them. Additionally, the cylinder creates a digital wall that blocks vision except for yours.

8th Level[edit]

Hacking into the neurons in someone’s brain? Now that’s more like it. You gain the following ability.

Short Circuiting[edit]
  • As an action for 13 Zenire, you can target a creature within the range of Hack. This creature must make an Intelligence saving throw at disadvantage or take 10d12 Psychic damage and be Paralyzed for 1 minute. On a success, half damage is taken and they are Stunned until the start of their next turn.

9th Level[edit]

There was once a really good movie about tech. You gain the following ability.

Like Neo[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 40 Zenire, you can enter the Matrix Dodge state until the start of your next turn. In this state you will dodge every attack and succeed every saving throw while taking no damage from any source.

10th Level[edit]

With heavy inspiration from the Matrix, you gained access to a Divine Domain. You gain the following ability

Entering the Matrixial Algorithm[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can drag a creature within 15ft of you to the depths of Cyberspace. Within this domain you can set a specific rule. (Ex. You take 5d8 damage for every word you speak.) The DM can decide whether the rule is fair or not. When a rule is decided, you and the target remain in the domain for 1 minute or until you leave the domain.

Blitzing Blades: Dueling Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Everyone says be careful with a blade. Why? It's not like you're killing them, although you were blessed with Dueling. You gain the following ability.

Sword Prodigy[edit]
  • You gain a +4 to hit and a +2 to damage when wielding a melee weapon that deals Slashing or Piercing damage.
  • You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand.

2nd Level[edit]

The art of a sword, it's just beautiful. You gain the following ability

Clean Cuts[edit]
  • When dealing Slashing damage, you can inflict the Bleeding Debuff and an additional 2d4 damage.
  • When dealing Piercing damage, you can deal an additional 5d6 damage.

3rd Level[edit]

In a duel, the only constant is that you can be killed at any moment. Prepare. You gain the following ability.

Combatant's Instinct[edit]
  • While in combat, your AC increases by 4.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to Strength and Dexterity saving throws when wielding a weapon that does Slashing or Piercing damage.

4th Level[edit]

Honing the blade requires immense speed, you've mastered both. You gain the following ability.

Swift as my Sword[edit]
  • Your movement speed increases by 30ft.
  • You gain a bonus +2 to damage for every 5ft you've moved in the current round.

5th Level[edit]

Japanese swordplay is inspirational in it's clean techniques. You gain the following ability.

  • When using the Attack action, you can swap an attack for an Iaido strike for 5 Zenire. Selecting a creature within 15ft of you, they must make a Dexterity Saving throw or take double the damage of the weapon you are wielding, on a failure they take half as much.

6th Level[edit]

In battle, speed is what is required to win, that and technique. You gain the following ability.

Sword and Shadow[edit]
  • You gain a +1 to hit for every 5ft you've moved in the current round.
  • You gain a bonus to movement speed equal to your Dexterity Score times 5.
  • Your AC increases by 1/20th of your movement speed.

7th Level[edit]

Speed, more speed, you feel like you can almost reach it. You gain the following ability.

Scattered Flash Slash[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 8 Zenire, you can swiftly dash 30ft in a straight line, not provoking opportunity attacks. All creatures you pass through must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 35d10 Slashing damage and be inflicted with 3 stacks of the Bleeding Debuff or half as much on a success and no Debuff.

8th Level[edit]

With sword comes shadow. You gain the following ability.

Speed of Sound[edit]
  • Your movement speed triples.
  • After moving more than 500ft in a round, you have advantage to all attacks.
  • After moving more than 1000ft in a round, you are considered Invisible unless a creature passes a Perception check with the DC being 1/20th the distance you traveled in ft.
  • You can take the Dash action as free action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier per long rest.

9th Level[edit]

It’s not much of a duel if they can’t hit you. Oh well. You gain the following ability.

No Rules In A Fight[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 35 Zenire, you can challenge a creature within 50ft of you to a duel. For 1 minute, you will have triple advantage against the target, you gain the Ensured Victory Buff, and all of your damage will be increased by 14 tiers. The target creature will be inflicted with the Ratio debuff by you.

10th Level[edit]

Your bladework has been recognized, you have been given access to the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Within One's Blade and One's Spirit[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 50 Zenire, you can shatter your blade. Selecting one creature within 30ft of you to be dragged into the spirit of the blade with you. Within this domain, you are granted Muramasa and your speed is consistently doubling each round, while the targeted creature's speed is reduce by 15 each round. When the targeted creature's speed reaches 0, it's AC and Saving throws will start decreasing by 5 each round and it will be inflicted with the Imprisoned Debuff. When your speed bypasses 10,000ft, the next attack you successfully land will instantly kill granted the opponent is inflicted with the Imprisoned Debuff. This domain lasts for 1 minute, when either you or the creature is killed, or when you leave the domain. Your blade reforges after the domain ends

11th Level[edit]

When your bladework is this refined, you can cut through anything. You gain the following ability.

Dimensional Slashes[edit]
  • You gain a +20 to hit when using weapons that deal Slashing damage.
  • When landing a hit with a weapon that deals Slashing damage, you can add 10d8 Force damage to the total damage.
  • On a critical hit, you can tear through the space in a creature’s body dealing 100d12 Force damage after the critical hit calculations.
  • Your critical hit requirement is reduced by 2 stages. (20>19>18>17>...)

Snow Dancer: Winter Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Winter was always the best season, snowman, snow days. Now you find yourself blessed by Winter, how lucky. You gain the following ability.

What's Cold?[edit]
  • You have resistance to Cold damage.
  • You have immunity to the Frozen and Dissociation Debuffs.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Cold.

2nd Level[edit]

A frosty aura surrounds you, and ice envelops your skin. You gain the following ability.

Icy Aura[edit]
  • You gain a 10ft aura around you which constantly deals 3d4 Cold damage to all creatures in the radius. You can choose any number of creatures not to be affected by this.
  • As a reaction to being hit with a melee attack for 3 Zenire, you can envelop your skin with frost, reducing the damage by double your level.

3rd Level[edit]

Ice can be used as a quick weapon. You gain the following ability.

Snowflake Shuriken[edit]
  • When taking the attack action, you can expend 1 Zenire to swap the attack for a Snowflake Shuriken. Turning into a ranged Zenire attack roll with 300ft range. Dealing 5d4 Slashing and 3d4 Cold damage on a hit.

4th Level[edit]

Winter is not all cold and death. There's festivities to be had. You gain the following ability.

Festive Spirit[edit]

10th Level[edit]

The winter fills your soul, you gain access to the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Whereas Winter Wanes[edit]

Blazing Parade: Summer Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Summer cheer, a long break, fun with friends. Blessed by the Summer itself it truly wonderful. You gain the following ability.

Bliss of the Sun[edit]
  • You gain a +2 to your Zenire Modifier.
  • Whenever you receive healing, you can output half as much to all allies within a 15ft radius.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Fire.

2nd Level[edit]

The festival has arrived. You gain the following ability.

Here Comes Summer Fun[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 5 Zenire, you gain grant any number of creatures within 10ft of you the Radiant Buff.

10th Level[edit]

Summer cheer and festivals surround your very being, a Divine Domain unveils. You gain the following ability.

The Biggest Festival[edit]

Alchemical Apprentice: Alchemy Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Alchemy, in most places it's considered a lost art. However you have been blessed with Alchemy, and all it's secrets. You gain the following ability.

Lost Art[edit]
  • You gain a +3 to your Zenire Modifier.
  • You gain proficiency in all skills.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage to any damage type.

2nd Level[edit]

Nigredo is the most basic form of alchemy. You gain the following ability.

The Basics[edit]
  • You gain the Alchemy feature early.
  • When using Alchemy, all abilities cost half as much Chalk.
  • When using Currency Shifter, you gain 3 times more Ratashi.

10th Level[edit]

Alchemy has been released, but not quite how you expect, the Divine Domain is there nonetheless. You gain the following ability.

Land of the Equivalent Exhange[edit]

Solar Sovereignty: Sun Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Blessed by the God of the Sun, you hold more potential than most of the others. You gain the following ability.

High Power[edit]
  • Your Zenire total increases by 10%(rounded up).
  • You gain resistance to Fire damage.
  • You gain a +1 to any stat of your choice.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Radiant or Fire.

2nd Level[edit]

Basking in the beauty of the Sun, your powers have furthered and you have found a way to harness some of the power. You gain the following ability.

Light Blaze[edit]
  • While it is daytime, you can add 6d6 Fire damage to your melee attacks.
  • As an action for 2 Zenire, you can launch a small mote of fire at a creature up to 50ft away. On a successful hit the creature will take 10d4 Fire damage.

3rd Level[edit]

The Sun feels way too good, like you can absorb it's energy just by being in it's presence. You gain the following ability.

  • While in direct sunlight, you heal 2d4 hit points each round.

4th Level[edit]

The Sun creates light, why can't you. You gain the following ability.

Flaring Soul[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 3 Zenire, you can create a blinding light in a 15ft radius around yourself, all creatures within the radius must make a Constitution Saving throw or take 5d6 Radiant damage and be Blinded until the start of your next turn. Creatures will take half damage on a success and be Staggered.

5th Level[edit]

The Sun blesses you, and it's power you do not resist. You gain the following ability.

Sun Soul[edit]
  • Your hit points increases by an amount equal to double your level.
  • When dealing Fire or Radiant damage, you can inflict the Blaze debuff on an enemy.
  • When taking Fire or Radiant damage, you and expend Zenire to reduce the damage by double the Zenire expended, you will also heal that amount.
  • You gain resistance to Radiant damage.

6th Level[edit]

You have a radiating aura, just as the Sun does. You gain the following ability.

Sunlight Surrounds The Sanctified[edit]
  • You gain a 30ft aura that inflicts 5d4 Fire and 2d4 Radiant damage to all creatures within the radius. You can choose any number of creatures to not be affected by this aura.
  • You gain a 10ft aura that inflicts 15d6 Fire and 7d6 Radiant damage to all creatures within the radius. You can choose any number of creatures to not be affected by this aura. Creatures within this radius of your choice will be granted resistance to Cold damage.
  • You gain a 5ft aura that grants immunity to Cold damage to all creatures of your choice.

7th Level[edit]

The symbol of the Phoenix, the sun. You gain the following ability.

Phoenix’s Ascent[edit]
  • When landing an attack, you can expend 5 Zenire to suspend both of you and the targeted creature 20ft in the air and deal an additional 5d10 Fire and 3d10 Radiant damage. While in the air, you gain advantage to attacking the suspended creature and the suspended creature has disadvantage to all attack rolls and its movement is reduced to 0. The mid air suspension lasts for 1 minute or until either you or the target is reduced to 0 hit points. You will take no falling damage from landing after the suspension.
  • You gain immunity to Fire damage.

8th Level[edit]

The sun’s overwhelming presence has inspired you. You gain the following ability.

The Stars Shine Bright[edit]
  • You gain the Zenire Pressure Divine Feat if you don’t have it already.
  • You gain the Zenire Overpressured Divine Feat if you don’t have it already and don’t have Softened Pressure or Hardened Pressure.
  • While Zenire Pressure is active, you deal an additional 25d4 Fire and 15d4 Radiant damage from the Zenire Overpressured damage.
  • You gain advantage on the Zenire Pressure roll.

9th Level[edit]

The sun is so hot it emits plasma. Wait, plasma? You gain the following ability.

Radiating Rays of the Sun[edit]
  • As an action for 80 Zenire, you can blast blazing plasma of the sun in a 300x15ft line. All creatures in the range of the ray must make a Constitution Saving throw at disadvantage or take 260d6 Fire and 260d10 Radiant damage and be Blinded for 1 minute. Half damage is taken on a success with no other effects.

10th Level[edit]

The radiating sun has opened it's Divine Domain for you. You gain the following ability.

Devastation of the Rising Sun[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can point to the sky causing a single creature within 100ft of you to look up at the sun. The creature must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure they are sent into your Divine Domain. On a success they burn their eyes dealing 8d8 Fire and 10d12 Radiant damage. Any creature within Sunlight Surrounds the Sancitified aura automatically fails the save. While in the Divine Domain, a creature will take massive damage at the start of their turns unless they succeed a Constitution Saving throw at disadvantage. On the first turn they will take 50d8 Fire and 50d10 Radiant and be inflicted with the maximum damage of the Blaze Debuff or half as much on a success and no Blaze. On the next turn you are granted 3 stacks of the Radiant Buff and the target will take 75d10 Fire and 75d12 Radiant damage and be Blinded until the end of their next turn. On a success, half damage is taken and they are Blinded until the start of their next turn. On the final turn of the domain, the opponent is inflicted with the DoT Vulnerability and Staggered Debuffs as well as are Blinded for one minute while you are granted the Celestial Arrow Buff. On a failed save the creature will take 100d12 Fire and 200d6 Radiant damage. On a success, half damage is taken. The domain ends after the 3 turns. The damage within the domain ignores resistances and immunities.

11th Level[edit]

The sun is almost eternal. You gain the following ability.

Phoenix’s Vigor[edit]
  • You heal 9d6 hit points per round.
  • You heal hit points equal to Blaze damage you deal to creatures within 60ft of you.
  • When you apply the Blaze Debuff on a creature, it lasts twice as long.
  • When you succeed 3 death saves, you can expend 20 Zenire to resurrect with half of your maximum hit points.

Mystic Mirage: Illusion Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

The art of misdirection is used by magicians for their tricks. Blessed by Illusions, the art came naturally. You gain the following ability.

Master of Misdirection[edit]
  • You gain proficiency in Deception and Sleight of Hand.
  • You have advantage to Stealth, Deception, and Sleight of Hand checks.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Psychic.

2nd Level[edit]

Illusions are a means to alter reality without destroying it altogether. You gain the following ability.

Simple Illusions[edit]
  • As an action for 1 Zenire, you can create an illusion in a 5ft cube within 30ft of you. This illusion lasts for 1 minute and cannot include sound or temperature changes. You can freely dispel your illusions.

3rd Level[edit]

A facade can do more than just trickery. You gain the following ability.

Hint of Deceit[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 1 Zenire, you can Frighten a creature within 60ft of you. This creature will be frightened as if every creature it can see had inflicted the condition on it.

4th Level[edit]

Illusions can do so much more than just trick the eyes. You gain the following ability.

Illusion Density[edit]
  • Your Simple Illusions can now be made in a 15ft cube within 60ft of you and lasts for 10 minutes. When a creature passes through your illusions, they gain 1 stack of Exhaustion. For every 3 rounds they remain in your illusion they gain another stack of Exhaustion.

5th Level[edit]

It's a bit more difficult, but your illusions have improved heavily. You gain the following ability.

Improved Illusions[edit]
  • Your Simple Illusions can now be made in a 30ft cube within 100ft of you and lasts for 1 hour. Additionally you can add sound and temperature changes to your illusions.
  • If your illusion contains dangerous items, you can expend additional Zenire up to your Zenire Modifier to apply Xd10 damage from your illusions based on the perceived effects.

6th Level[edit]

Smaller illusions can be just as dangerous as the larger ones. You gain the following ability.

Mind Games[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 5 Zenire, you can cause any number of creatures inside of your illusions to make an Intelligence saving throw or take 10d6 Psychic damage. Half damage is taken on a success.

7th Level[edit]

It's not just to hinder the enemies. You gain the following ability.

Shadow Buffing[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 3 Zenire, you can Shadow Buff an ally within 30ft of you. They will get advantage to all attack rolls and a 5 damage tier increase for 1 minute.

8th Level[edit]

The subtle changes in reality, that is what illusions truly are. You gain the following ability.

Untouchable Army[edit]
  • As an action for 25 Zenire, you can summon 10 Illusory Warriors within a 60ft range of you. These creatures last for up to 10 minutes or until you dispel them freely.

9th Level[edit]

Mystic arts can alter aspects of the real world. You gain the following ability.

Ghastly Tricks[edit]
  • You gain the Phantom Dodge Auxiliary. This does not count as your chosen Auxiliary and you cannot swap it out.
  • Attacking or using Zenire abilities does not break your Invisibility.
  • After stepping into one of your illusions, you can expend 3 Zenire to turn Invisible for 1 minute.
  • While you are invisible, you have resistance to all damage.

10th Level[edit]

Illusory arts fill reality, you have the power to alter perspective with this Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Whispers of Reality[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can encase a 200ft radius of you in a transparent mist. You can freely manipulate the terrain within the radius as if it were an illusion. All creatures within the mist will be Frightened by you. You can select any number of creatures not to be Frightened. All dangerous objects or imagery you call forth will deal half of its actual damage. Creatures within the radius will return to the center next to you if they attempt to leave the radius. The domain lasts for 5 minutes, when a creature within the radius dies, when a creature in the radius takes more than 20,000 damage, or if you freely end the domain.

Untainted Serenity: Purity Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Your entire being is abstinent of all evil, for this, you were blessed even further with Purity. You gain the following ability.

Detoxifying Soul[edit]
  • You are immune to all poisons and diseases.
  • You can stabilize allies as a free action once every 2 turns.

2nd Level[edit]

To purify the soul is the best healing. You gain the following ability.

Cleansing Touch[edit]
  • As an action for 4 Zenire, you can touch a creature, healing them for 15 times your level and reducing the duration of a Debuff or Condition by 1 round.

10th Level[edit]

The art of healing requires a proper setting. Thus you were granted access to the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

The Perfect Utopia[edit]

Sky Walker: Wind Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Born for the skies, blessed by the Wind. Is there any better feeling than the wind in your face. You gain the following ability.

Cloud 9[edit]
  • Your movement speed increases by 5ft.
  • You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed.
  • When you use Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Thunder.

2nd Level[edit]

A simple wind can be a devastating force when properly used. You gain the following ability.

Swift Gust[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 3 Zenire, you can gust wind into a creature's face, lowering their AC by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus for 5 rounds.

10th Level[edit]

The skies call for you, you were born to fly in the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Golden Skies Above the Clouds[edit]

Myriad Illustrator: Art Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Art, the perfection of the world. A serene grace upon gazing eyes blessed by Artistic mastery. You gain the following ability.

Awesome Art[edit]
  • You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand and History.
  • You gain additional Zenire equal to your level.
  • You gain a +2 to Passive Perception.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Emotional.

2nd Level[edit]

Art is the essence of life, bringing forth beauty unlike any other. You gain the following ability.

Pen and Sword[edit]
  • As a bonus action, you can subtle reshape reality with ink. Targeting a creature within 30ft of you, you can either grant them advantage on their next turn for 3 Zenire, or double their movement speed for 1 minute for 3 Zenire.

10th Level[edit]

You can see it all, the beauty of the world. The Divine Domain has now become visible to you. You gain the following ability.

Blank Canvas Embedded Within[edit]

Fleeting Memories: Autumn Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Fall is a beautiful season, you'd argue the best. The weather is a perfect blessing from Autumn. You gain the following ability.

As Leaves Fall[edit]
  • You can attempt to hide in lightly obscured areas.
  • Creatures have disadvantage on Perception checks against you while you're hiding.
  • You gain a +1 to AC while there is nature around.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Emotional.

2nd Level[edit]

Fall is not just a season, it's a time of deep emotion. You gain the following ability.

Chill Breeze[edit]
  • As an action for 7 Zenire, you can cause a somber wind to flow in a 60ft radius around you for 2 rounds. All creatures in the radius will take 5d10 Emotional damage. You can select any number of creatures to be unaffected by the wind.

10th Level[edit]

As the leaves fall, a new power rises within. The Divine Domain has opened for you. You gain the following ability.

The Season of Eternal Change[edit]

Blossoming Bloom: Spring Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

The most perfect season, flowers bloom, plants grow. What's not to love of the blessing of Spring. You gain the following ability.

Life Anew[edit]
  • You gain proficiency in Nature and Persuasion.
  • You have a 10ft aura around you that grants a +2 to skill checks to allies.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Emotional.

2nd Level[edit]

Flowers and vibrant colors surround you everywhere you go. You gain the following ability.

Precious Joy[edit]
  • You gain a 15ft aura around you. All creatures in this aura have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. Additionally, as a bonus action for 1 Zenire, you can select one creature within the aura to gain 1d6 to their next d20 roll.

10th Level[edit]

The season of joy is here to invite the willing. Who will join you in the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Serene Blooming Garden Landscape[edit]

The People's Blessing: Humanity Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

People are quite interesting. We live and breathe, but why? How do you find the blessings of Humanity? You gain the following ability.

Self Perfection[edit]
  • You gain a +1 in a stat of your choice.
  • You gain additional hit points equal to your proficiency bonus+your level.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Necrotic.

2nd Level[edit]

Small imperfections is what makes us human. So what if we removed them. You gain the following ability.

Subtle Adjustment[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 2 Zenire, you can touch a creature and increase their lowest stat by 5 for 1 minute.

10th Level[edit]

Humanity is great, but how can we improve that even further. The Divine Domain might help. You gain the following ability.

Humanity Embodying Perfection[edit]

Demolition Oblivion: Destruction Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

What's wrong with breaking things? It relives stress and it's fun. Destruction is a blessing. You gain the following ability.

  • You deal double damage to buildings and constructs.
  • You gain a +2 to Strength.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Force.

2nd Level[edit]

How about knocking down a few walls? You gain the following ability.

  • When taking the attack action, you can swap an attack for 4 Zenire causing a massive destructive force in a 15ft cone dealing 15d6 Force damage to all creatures within range who fail a Constitution saving throw. Creatures take half as much damage on a success.

3rd Level[edit]

Breaking stuff is cool. You gain the following ability.

Demolition Strike[edit]
  • As an action for 7 Zenire, you can create a giant shockwave dealing 24d8 Force damage to all creatures within 15ft of you if they fail a Constitution saving throw. Half damage is taken on a success.

4th Level[edit]

Destroying everything is just nature. You gain the following ability.

Breaking Surge[edit]
  • When landing an attack, you can expend Zenire up to your proficiency bonus to increase the damage tier by double the Zenire spent.

5th Level[edit]

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Hah. You gain the following ability.

Destroying Everything[edit]
  • You can ignore up to 3 AC when attacking an enemy.
  • On a critical hit, you will deal 5x damage instead of 2x.

6th Level[edit]

Removing evil as fast as possible. You gain the following ability.

  • Upon scoring a critical hit, you gain the Radiant Buff.
  • Your damage tier increases by 5.
  • When using a Divinity Ability, you can expend twice as much Zenire to guarantee a hit/failed saving throw.

7th Level[edit]

Enemies are no threat if they don't exist. You gain the following ability.

  • As a full round action for 45 Zenire, you can call the embodiment of destruction within 60ft of you. In a 20ft radius 200ft tall cylinder at the point you choose, all creatures in the radius must succeed a Constitution Saving Throw or take 200d12 Force damage. Half damage is taken on a success.

10th Level[edit]

To destroy is not to be destructive. Those who need a lesson should kindly enter your Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Zone of Demolition and Devastation[edit]

Deadeye Gunslinger: Firearms Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Sharpshooters are one of a kind. The Gun blesses who has the best aim. You gain the following ability.

Eyes of a Shooter[edit]
  • You gain proficiency in Perception.
  • You have a +2 to ranged attack rolls.

2nd Level[edit]

Never underestimate a simple gun, they can wreak havoc. You gain the following ability.

Firearm Empowerment[edit]
  • You can increase the damage tier of Firearms you are using by 1 tier.

3rd Level[edit]

Fast hands and an iron on the hip. What's more to want? You gain the following ability.

  • You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand.
  • You gain a +3 to ranged attack rolls.
  • The range of all Firearms is increased by 30ft when used by you.

4th Level[edit]

Accuracy is all that matters when holding a gun. If you can't hit the shot, you will die. You gain the following ability.

  • If you have not moved more than 15ft in the round, you gain a +5 to hit with Firearms.

5th Level[edit]

If you don't have enough bullets to keep shooting, you might as well run around with a water gun. You gain the following ability.

  • You can ignore the Loading property of Firearms.

6th Level[edit]

The barrel of a gun is a unique art, the delicately crafted interworking of the gun. You gain the following ability.

One With The Gun[edit]
  • You can choose a specific gun of which you specialize. You can switch the special gun at the end of a long rest. You increase the damage tier of your specialized gun by 6.

7th Level[edit]

Among the history of firearms. One game stands above all. You gain the following ability.

Russian Roulette[edit]
  • You gain the Quickdraw Auxiliary. This does not count as your chosen Auxiliary and you cannot switch it out.
  • When using the Quickdraw Auxiliary, you can expend 10 Zenire to play russian roulette on yourself. Roll a d6, on a 2-6, you gain a +15 to hit to all firearms on your next turn and a 10 damage tier increase to all firearms. However on a 1, you will deal 8d6 damage to yourself.

8th Level[edit]

One shot is all it takes. You gain the following ability.

One Shot, One Kill[edit]
  • You gain the One Punch-Style Divine Feat if you do not already have it.
  • When using this feature with a Firearm, you can expend 3 Zenire gain advantage on the shot. However, using advantage in this way would require a double critical hit to trigger the one hit kill effect of Firearms.

9th Level[edit]

It’s time to stop upgrading the guns, and start upgrading the ammo. You gain the following ability.

Elemental Ammunition[edit]
  • When taking the attack action with a Firearm, you can expend 2 Zenire to change the damage type to Fire, Cold, Poison, Acid, or Lightning damage and increase the damage tier by 3.

10th Level[edit]

To be a gunslinger is to be better than the rest, therefore a Divine Domain came to you. You gain the following ability.

The Shooting Gallery[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can fire a blank round at a creature within 60ft of you. The creature must make a Wisdom Saving throw or you and the target will be transported into the Divine Domain. The target will be inflicted with the Imprisoned and Staggered Debuffs at the start of every round until the domain ends. You will be granted the Deadeye Buff. The target is placed 30ft away from you for the duration of the domain. You cannot move in the domain, however you are granted advantage to hit. You can ignore the restrictions of Firearms while in the domain. Every round, the target can attempt a Constitution Saving throw to try and remove the Debuffs. On a success, the Debuffs are removed and the domain ends. The domain lasts for 1 minute, when the target dies, or when the target breaks free.

Invigorating Growth: Nature Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Forests are where you spent most of your days. Why shouldn't you, Nature has clearly been blessed. You gain the following ability.

Born for Nature[edit]
  • You gain expertise in Nature and Animal Handling.
  • You are immune to poisons.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Poison or Acid.

2nd Level[edit]

Animals are a massive part of an ecosystem. You gain the following ability.

Beast Taming[edit]
  • As an action for 2 Zenire, you can attempt to tame a beast by touching it's head. You must make an Animal Handling check with the DC being equal to double the beast's CR. A tamed creature will become a pet you can use in and outside of combat taking it's own initiative immediately after yours.

10th Level[edit]

Nature is more than just plants and animals. Those who can't seem to grasp this concept shall face the wrath of the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

The Forest's Deciduous Dominion[edit]

Unwavering Tides: Hydrokin Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

The waves of water, so calming. A refreshing glimpse of the blessings of the Hydrokin. You gain the following ability.

Natural Currents[edit]
  • You gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed.
  • You have advantage to Concentration saving throws.
  • You gain a +1 to AC.

2nd Level[edit]

Water can be a deadly force when done right. You gain the following ability.

Gushing Waves[edit]
  • As an action for 4 Zenire, you can burst forth a massive wave in front of you in a 50ft cone. All creatures in range must make a Strength Saving throw or take 8d8 Bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. Creatures take half as much on a success and are inflicted with the Staggered Debuff.

10th Level[edit]

When the seas rage strong, they can conquer even the strongest ships. The embodiment of the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Where Mankind Shan't Explore[edit]

All-Seeing Eyes: Vision Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

You see, better than others. Your Vision has been blessed. You gain the following ability.

Perceptive Nature[edit]
  • You gain expertise in Perception.
  • You cannot roll below a 10 on a Perception check.
  • Your passive perception cannot drop below 17.

2nd Level[edit]

Your vision has allowed you to see into your opponents stats. You gain the following ability.

Statistics Tracker[edit]
  • You gain the Power Scanner Auxiliary. This does not count as your chosen Auxiliary and you cannot swap it for another Auxiliary.

3rd Level[edit]

It's just seeing, it's not that hard. You gain the following ability.

Enhanced Vision[edit]
  • You gain Truesight up to 300ft.
  • You gain Mastery in Perception.

4th Level[edit]

To see or not to see. It is to see. You gain the following ability.

Can't Stop Seeing[edit]
  • You are immune to the Blinded condition.
  • Creatures have triple disadvantage to all skill checks against your Perception.
  • You have advantage on all Perception Checks.

5th Level[edit]

You foresee all of your enemies attacks against you. You gain the following ability.

Perceive Danger[edit]
  • Your AC and all saving throws increase by your Perception modifier.

6th Level[edit]

Your eyes are great, maybe others can be like you. You gain the following ability.

Vision Enhancer[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 3 Zenire, you can touch a creature and boost their Perception by 10. Additionally they will gain Truesight up to 30ft. This effect lasts for 1 minute.

7th Level[edit]

Sometimes you need to see things from a different perspective. You gain the following ability.

Gaze of Minds[edit]
  • As an action for 1 Zenire, you can touch a creature and will be able to see through their eyes for 1 hour.

8th Level[edit]

To see is not just to perceive. You gain the following ability.

I Know You[edit]
  • You gain mastery in Insight and Investigation.
  • You gain the ability to read lips.
  • You can track any creature or object that has Zenire or Gaiire.

9th Level[edit]

Eyes are more than medians for vision. You gain the following ability.

Third Eye[edit]
  • You have Truesight up to 500ft
  • You can shift your vision up to 100ft away from you to extend your view or see other perspectives.

10th Level[edit]

Nobody can escape your sights. You see all, you know all. Especially within the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Unescapable Eternal Hunt[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 50 Zenire, you can force a creature that is below 10% of their max hp within 50ft of you to gaze into your eyes. The creature will be eternally marked by you. Then you and the target will be transported to the Divine Domain. Inside the domain, the creature will be permanently Frightened and Prone and cannot get up. You will take initiative last and cannot take the dash action. The target will be placed 100ft away from you and any attack it attempts will only deal 1d4 damage. When you reach the target, you can make an attack against the target. On a hit, the target will instantly die. The domain lasts until the target has died.

11th Level[edit]

If you can improve your own vision, can you hinder others? You gain the following ability.

Only Eye Can See[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 1 Zenire, you can Blind a creature within 60ft of you.
  • You gain 3 additional bonus actions.

Blinding Shadows: Light and Dark Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Sitting in silence, watching the colors of the world. A world blessed by Light and Dark alike. You gain the following ability.

Light Meets Shadow[edit]
  • You gain proficiency in Stealth.
  • You gain Darkvision up to 60ft.
  • You gain Blindsight up to 10ft.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Radiant.

2nd Level[edit]

The aspects of light, it’s fast. You gain the following ability.

  • As a bonus action for 2 Zenire, you can teleport up to 20ft to a place you can see. You can expend an additional 1 Zenire to use this feature as a reaction.

10th Level[edit]

To truly balance good and evil, light and dark, the Divine Domain has opened itself unto you. You gain the following ability.

The Brightest Light and Darkest Shadow[edit]

Perfect Warrior: Weaponry Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

You can fight, you can win. All you need is a good Weapon, and the blessings that come. You gain the following ability.

Natural Fighter[edit]
  • You gain a +2 to attack rolls made with weapons.
  • You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand.
  • You gain proficiency in Smithing Tools.

2nd Level[edit]

Having a good weapon is one thing, being good with that weapon is another. You gain the following ability.

Prodigal Weapon Master[edit]
  • You can add your proficiency bonus twice to attack rolls made with weapons.
  • Once per turn, you can inflict the maximum damage on an attack roll made with a weapon.

3rd Level[edit]

Having everything one needs at any time they need it. That is how warriors are made. You gain the following ability.

Hidden Inventory[edit]
  • You gain a extradimensional space of which you can store weaponry and other items. This space can hold an amount of weapons/items equal to your level plus your proficiency bonus.
  • As a free action, you can take/place a weapon from the extradimensional space. When taking a weapon, it must be within 5ft of you before the move. When placing a weapon, you can place it anywhere within 15ft of you.

4th Level[edit]

What's better than a weapon? Two weapons. What's better than two weapons? Two weapons in one. You gain the following ability.

  • As an action, you can fuse two weapons together to combine their strengths. The fusion weapon will change based upon what was fused. You cannot fuse a weapon with a fusion weapon.
  • As a bonus action, you can split a fusion weapon back into their normal states.

5th Level[edit]

It might just be you, but it seems that there's a mental bond between you and weapons. You gain the following ability.

  • You can now telepathically control weapons as summons. As a bonus action for 10 Zenire you can take control a weapon you are wielding or that's in your inventory. The weapons are Small or Medium depending on size and have an AC of 18 and hit points based upon the tier of weapon it is. It's damage is how much damage the weapon normally does. You can have control over an amount of weapons equal to your Zenire modifier. When a controlled weapon runs out of hit points, you lose control over it and cannot use Weaponkinesis on it for 1 minute.
Weaponkinesis Hit Points
Tier Hit Points
Tier E 30
Tier D 50
Tier C 80
Tier B 120
Tier A 170
Tier S 230
Divine Weapons 500
Firearms 40

6th Level[edit]

Weapons spark creation within your mind. You gain the following ability.

Weapon Creation[edit]
  • As an action for 10 Zenire, you can create weapons that you have seen before. The weapon cannot be higher than Tier D. This increases to Tier C (20 Zenire) at Level 10, Tier B (40 Zenire) at Level 15, Tier A (100 Zenire) at Level 20, and Tier S (200 Zenire) at Level 25.

7th Level[edit]

A weapon is not a normal weapon in your hands. You gain the following ability.

Infused Mastery[edit]
  • As a bonus action, you can infuse a weapon you are holding with Zenire up to your proficiency bonus. The weapon increases damage tier by 4 times the amount of Zenire applied to it.
  • You gain an additional bonus action.

8th Level[edit]

When it becomes too hard to improve, simply weaken the enemy. You gain the following ability.

Unbound Battle Tactics[edit]
  • When hitting a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend 6 Zenire to inflict the Ratio Debuff on the target and lower their resistance stage to your weapon’s damage type by 1. (Immunity>Resistance>Neutral>Vulnerability)

9th Level[edit]

Controlling weapons is very easy now. You gain the following ability.

Mastered Weaponkinesis[edit]
  • The weapons you control by Weaponkinesis have AC equal to yours and gain Extra Attack.
  • You can control twice as many weapons by Weaponkinesis.

10th Level[edit]

When one truly see's to their prowess in wielding a weapon, is when they are strong. This is how the Divine Domain recognizes you. You gain the following ability.

The Blacksmith's Perfect Armory[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can grab a creature within 5ft of you and send both you and the target into your Inventory. The target will be inflicted with the Imprisoned Debuff at the start of every round until the domain ends. You will gain Weaponkinesis on all weapons in your inventory and any weapon you held or had control of outside the domain. Every round you can make 4 attacks with each weapon via Weaponkinesis. The domain ends after 3 rounds or when the target dies

Guaranteed Gambler: Luck Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

Luck, what is it? Many have theorized about how this mysterious presence affects our world, but you know Luck's a blessing. You gain the following ability.

Tad Bit Lucky[edit]
  • You cannot roll below a 3 on skill checks you are not proficient in.
  • You cannot roll below a 5 on skill checks you are proficient in.

2nd Level[edit]

Is luck supposed to be fate, or something more? You gain the following ability.

Minor Manipulation of Luck[edit]
  • When you see a creature make a d20 roll(including yourself), you can expend 1 Zenire and add 1d8 to that roll. You can only use this ability once per d20 roll.

3rd Level[edit]

Science says luck is greater in a wider scope. You gain the following ability.

Aura of Luck[edit]
  • You gain a 30ft aura around you that grants +1d6 to all allies skill checks (including yourself).

4th Level[edit]

Luck beyond luck, it's that simple. You gain the following ability.

Gambling Skill[edit]
  • You gain advantage to all d20 rolls you make.

5th Level[edit]

Luck is based on skill, if you got a problem then it's a skill issue. You gain the following ability.

Skilled Luck[edit]
  • When you make a d20 check, you can expend 1 Zenire to reroll the die. There is no limit to how many times you can do this per d20 roll.

6th Level[edit]

It's time to gamble. You gain the following ability.

Bargaining Chip[edit]
  • As a bonus action, you can enter a d100 contest with a creature within 15ft of you. The lower rolling creature will take 10d10 Force damage. You can expend 5 Zenire to reroll your d100. There is no limit to how many times you can reroll.

7th Level[edit]

Shared luck is quite lucky. You gain the following ability.

Luck Bonded[edit]
  • When you see a creature within 45ft of you make a d20 check, you can expend 2 Zenire to force a reroll. There is no limit to how many times you can force a reroll.

8th Level[edit]

When your allies are lucky, so are you. You gain the following ability.

Your Luck is My Luck[edit]
  • When a creature (other than yourself) within 60ft of you gets a critical success on a d20 roll, you can expend 6 Zenire to guarantee your next d20 roll is a critical hit.

9th Level[edit]

Having problems? Just get luckier. You gain the following ability.

Luck Package Pro Plus[edit]
  • Your critical success chance for everything increases by 1. (20>19>18>17>...)
  • You can add 1d6 to all d20 rolls.
  • As a bonus action for 14 Zenire, you can grant 2 Inspiration points to any amount of creatures in a 20ft radius around you.

10th Level[edit]

You're luck has reached new heights, even so far as to unlock the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

The Grandest Casino of Gambler's Dreams[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can transport all creatures within 50ft of you to the Divine Domain. Inside the domain, the House always wins. You can select any number of creatures within the domain to be part of the House. These creatures will always land a critical success when making a d20 roll (does not affect Firearms). All creatures in the domain who are not part of the House will critically fail every d20 roll. The domain lasts for 5 rounds or until you freely dispel the domain.

Innate Dealmaker: Contract Blessed[edit]

1st Level[edit]

You've felt a great sense of pride when making deals with people, blessed by Contracts so none break a deal. You gain the following ability.

Deals Done Right[edit]
  • You gain proficiency in Intimidation and Insight.
  • You are immune to the Charmed condition.
  • Creatures have disadvantage when rolling Deception, Intimidation, Insight and Persuasion against you.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Necrotic.

2nd Level[edit]

Contracts, deals, they bind souls together. You gain the following ability.

It's A Deal Then?[edit]
  • As an action, you can shake a creature's hand, creating a deal with a creature. Both creatures must agree to the conditions set by the deal. Upon agreement, your souls are bound together and if either side were to break the contract, they will take 8d10 Necrotic damage. If there is a deadline to the contract that is not met, the failing creature will take 6d6 Necrotic damage. If the contracts conditions are met, both souls are unbound and returned to the creature.

3rd Level[edit]

Deals must be made, otherwise they may turn against you. You gain the following ability.

WE HAD A DEAL![edit]
  • When attacking a creature that has broken any sort of deal or contract, all successful hits will be critical hits. Additionally, you deal an additional 50% damage when attacking creatures that have broken a deal or contract and have a +3 to hit.

4th Level[edit]

You can meander your way around unjust deals to get your way. You gain the following ability.

Just Trust the Process[edit]
  • When making a deal with a creature, you can make a Deception check against the creatures Insight check. On a success, the creature is now hindered by the terms of a bad deal. You can treat the creature as if they have broken the deal, even if they haven't.

5th Level[edit]

Fools think that they can make you agree to bad terms. They're dead wrong. You gain the following ability.

What's Your Trick?[edit]
  • If a creature decides to try and make a Deception check in the midst of a contract agreement, you gain advantage in the Insight roll. Additionally, if you succeed the Insight roll, you make all attacks against the creature with advantage.
  • The damage dealt from a broken or late deal increase by 4 damage tiers.

6th Level[edit]

Contracts can be used to improve people. Advantages of making a deal. You gain the following ability.

We're Partners[edit]
  • When making a deal with a creature, you can choose to ignore the basic presets of the deal to grant both of you the Unkillable Debuff which will last for 1 minute instead of 1 round. You can only have 1 creature affected by this (other than yourself) at a time. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

7th Level[edit]

A little deception could get you your way better. You gain the following ability.

Fine Print[edit]
  • You can make a Sleight of Hand and a Deception check when making a deal to add extra rules that may be unsatisfactory. The creature agreeing to the deal must make a Perception check beating your combined Sleight of Hand and Deception check to see the fine print. Otherwise they don't notice it and agree to the deal.
  • You can now make deals as a bonus action.

8th Level[edit]

Sometimes you provide what you don't have. You gain the following ability.

Fabricated Benefits[edit]
  • When making a deal, you can create value up to 5,000,000 Ratashi or 15 Zenire(DMs Discretion) to brighten up a deal. This value cannot be retrieved by you in any fashion.

9th Level[edit]

Deals are made to be broken, just not by you. You gain the following ability.

It’s You Against You[edit]
  • You can now make deals as a free action.
  • You deal an additional 50%(rounded up) more damage against dealbreakers.
  • When you take damage, you can use a reaction for 2 Zenire to be able to freely treat the attacker as a dealbreaker.
  • If you are attacked by a dealbreaker, 10%(rounded up) of the damage is reduced and reflected back to the attacker.

10th Level[edit]

A deal is a deal, but to better seal the deal. Well, the Divine Domain has you covered. You gain the following ability.

Where Souls Are Bound by Rules[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you can transport a creature within 60ft of you to the Divine Domain. You and the target cannot attack or take damage within the domain. Inside the domain, you can propose a deal of any caliber that the creature can reasonably act upon. The target must make a Wisdom Saving throw on each proposal or be enticed to accept the deal. The domain lasts until a deal is made, the creature succeeds 10 Wisdom saves, or until you freely dispel the domain.

Special Divinities[edit]

These Divinities are granted at the discretion of the dm, as they do not fall under the normal pretenses of being blessed and force specific traits upon a character. DMs, allow with caution.

A Blessing's Curse: Life and Death Blessed[edit]

This divinity, grants only one power unlike the rest of the divinities. A rare blessing that has only ever happened once before.

1st Level[edit]

What is the boundary of living and dying? Can it be controlled? Is Life the blessing, or is it Death? You gain the following ability.

Grasps to Life[edit]
  • You gain advantage on Death Saving throws.
  • When reducing a creature to 0 hit points, you regain 2d4 hit points.
  • When using Zenire Strikes with Zenire Divinity Culmination, you can change the damage type to Radiant or Necrotic.

2nd Level[edit]

What has happened to you? You were blessed but it feels unlike what was described. You gain the following ability.

  • When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can expend 6 Zenire to heal back to half of your maximum hit points.

3rd Level[edit]

Bound to life, you are eternal. You gain the following ability.

Back From The Brink[edit]
  • When rolling Death Saving throws, you only need to succeed 1 save to stabilize.
  • You can reduce damage taken by 50%(rounded up) when you are below 50%(rounded up) hit points.

4th Level[edit]

You gain no special abilities from your blessing, other than living. You gain the following ability.

Focused Body[edit]
  • You gain a +5 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
  • You can select one Body Feat that you meet the requirements of.

5th Level[edit]

With this blessing, you were granted perfect health. You gain the following ability.

Perfect Body[edit]
  • You are immune to diseases.
  • When you are hit, you regain 2d4 hit points.
  • You gain a +8 to Constitution.

6th Level[edit]

While this blessing is not the most ideal, you can make it work. You gain the following ability.

Ideal Self[edit]
  • If you die, roll 2d4, you will revive after that many rounds.
  • You heal 10d6 hit points at the start of every round.

7th Level[edit]

Your longer life grants you greater access to your mind. You gain the following ability.

Mind of Longevity[edit]
  • You gain a +4 to Intelligence and Wisdom.
  • You gain a +6 to all saving throws.

8th Level[edit]

With your undying, you have become stronger. You gain the following ability.

Brute Soul[edit]
  • Your damage tier increases by 10.
  • You gain 2 Body Feats you meet the requirements of.

9th Level[edit]

Your ties to death can draw people closer to it. You gain the following ability.

Deadly Strikes[edit]
  • Your damage tier increases by 20.
  • Your critical hit range increases by 3. (20>19>18>17>...)
  • When landing a critical hit, you deal 4x damage instead of 2x.

10th Level[edit]

You may never answer your original questions. The Divine Domain will at least help you. You gain the following ability.

The God's Life[edit]
  • As a bonus action for 50 Zenire, you can enter the God's Life. In this realm you can see all who have died. You can choose a creature who has died and for 20 Zenire you can bring their soul back to their body. They will be revived wherever their corpse is.

Imaginative Creator: Creation Blessed[edit]

While the blessing itself may be harmless, all those blessed by Creation have pledged allegiance to the terrorist organization: The Ascendants.

1st Level[edit]

You were blessed just like the others, with full access to your imagination. Yet, something doesn't feel right about the blessings of Creation. You gain the following ability.

  • You have advantage to all skill checks involving creation.
  • You gain proficiency in Religion.
  • You gain additional Zenire equal to your level.

2nd Level[edit]

Your calling awaits you, and before you lies the creativity of your purpose. You gain the following ability.

  • As a bonus action for an amount of Zenire equal to your proficiency bonus, you can create a small item that can fit into your hand, into your hand. The item cannot have any special properties to Buff, Debuff, Heal, or Deal Damage.

3rd Level[edit]

It's. Weird. How the creation calls out to you. What could it mean? You gain the following ability.

Offensive Creation[edit]
  • When using the Create feature, you can expend an additional 4 Zenire to create a Tier E melee weapon anywhere you can see within 30ft of you.

4th Level[edit]

Creation, it's. What is it even? How can something like this exist? You gain the following ability.

Core of Creation[edit]
  • As an action for 12 Zenire, you can enter Creation Mastery, allowing you to instantly create 10 items within 60ft without expending Zenire. Once 10 items have been made or 3 rounds have pasts (whichever comes first), Creation Mastery will end.
  • All items created in Creation Mastery must follow all restrictions from the Create feature.

5th Level[edit]

To create is to spring forth new things. Give live where there is none. You gain the following ability.

Supportive Creation[edit]
  • When using the Create feature, you can expend an additional 7 Zenire to create a healing item. When used on a creature, it will heal 7d8 hit points.

6th Level[edit]

What is this feeling? It's quite captivating. Tantalizing. Tempting. You gain the following ability.

Destructive Creations[edit]
  • Any creations you make deal double damage.
  • When creating a weapon using Create, you can create a number of weapons equal to your proficiency bonus.

7th Level[edit]

What is your purpose? You gain the following ability.

Sparks of Inspiration[edit]
  • As an action, consuming double the Zenire that it would originally cost, you can mimic other Divinity abilities that you have seen.

8th Level[edit]

What begins without end? You gain the following ability.

Imagination Never Dies[edit]
  • You can not fall below 1 hit point as long as you have more than half of your total Zenire.

9th Level[edit]

Fighting alone is kinda dumb. You gain the following ability.

  • As a bonus action for 10 Zenire, you can summon 5 Imaginary Warriors.

10th Level[edit]

Creation itself with you, now you have gained proper access to the Divine Domain. You gain the following ability.

Dreamer's Ascension[edit]
  • As an action for 50 Zenire, you create a 100ft radius around you where you can use Create 5 times per turn at the cost of 1 Zenire. The Divine Domain lasts for 1 minute.

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