Way of the Blitz (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Blitz[edit]

Monk Subclass

God created Adam out of earth and gave him life by breathing 'breath' into his face; then he placed him in the garden of Eden and created as his company first animals, then a woman formed from the same rib as Adam."

Created by the Gods

At level 3, as first human, your features are much more impressive than your successors. Your ability increases can be raised above 20, to a maximum of 24. You also gain an extra 10 feet of speed; at the 10th level another 10 feet and at the 20th another 10 feet. From level 10 you also have an additional reaction.

First Hardening

At level 6, the divine flame burns within you, which makes it difficult for you even to die. When you have a level of exhaustion, you treat it as if it were a lower level. Furthermore, when you are brought to 0 hit points, you continue to fight up to the negative half of your hit points. As you fight, you must make a death roll each turn; in case of death, you will die standing.

Divine Unlock

At level 11, finally more divine power makes its way into your body, giving you greater resistance and power. You gain resistance to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage; as well as an increase in hit points equal to your level plus your proficiency bonus. You finally unlock "divine replication".

•divine replication: for 1 minute I gain - a bonus to my AC equal to my proficiency bonus - advantage on attack rolls - as a reaction to being hit by a spell/attack, my next turn I can repeat it to the sender ignoring the necessary materials or slots causing the same damage I received. If the hit is a spell, the modifier and DC will be the same as the attacker's, but if they are physical hits, I use my stat hit roll. (3 uses). At the end of the minute, I must make a Constitution saving throw DC:19; if I succeed I have 1 level of exhaustion, if I fail I have 2.

Slayer of Gods

At level 17, i can use "instant reflection": -as a reaction when my AC is exceeded or I fail my saving throw, I make an attack roll. If my result is higher than the opponent's, we hit each other at the same time with his own attack roll and damage (6 uses).

(2 votes)

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