Trilith (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

The Trilith race appears remarkably human in their physical form, though with a distinctive trait that sets them apart: their hair and skin exhibit a remarkable array of colors and textures, defying the norms of human physiology. Standing at an average height, typically ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall, Triliths have slender yet graceful builds, with features that possess a familiar human charm. Their skin tones span the spectrum of human diversity, ranging from porcelain pale to rich ebony, and everything in between, reflecting the diversity of their heritage and ancestry. The most striking feature of the Triliths is their hair, which defies conventional expectations. Their locks cascade in waves, curls, or straight strands, with an extraordinary palette of colors that seem to defy nature itself. From shades of midnight black to shimmering silver, fiery reds, and vibrant blues, their hair reflects the kaleidoscope of possibilities inherent in their lineage.

Their eyes, large and expressive, hold a depth that seems to capture the essence of their mystical nature. Vibrant and captivating, their irises can shimmer with flecks of gold, silver, or iridescent hues, adding to the allure of their gaze. While their physical appearance may resemble that of humans, Triliths possess an otherworldly aura that sets them apart. Their movements are fluid and graceful, carrying an air of elegance and mystery that seems to hint at the depths of their magical heritage. Despite their outward appearance, Triliths exude an aura of confidence and poise, embodying the enigmatic allure of their race.


The history of the Trilith race is veiled in mystery and legend, woven with threads of magic and enigma that defy conventional understanding. It is said that they emerged from the convergence of elemental energies and arcane mysteries, their origins shrouded in the mists of time. According to ancient tales passed down through generations, the Triliths were once beings of pure magic, born from the harmonious interplay of elemental forces. In the primordial realms where magic flowed like rivers and energy crackled in the air, the first Triliths came into existence, their forms a reflection of the raw power that birthed them. As they roamed the untamed lands, the Triliths discovered the intricacies of their innate magic, learning to shape and wield the elemental energies that coursed through their beings. Their mastery over magic became the cornerstone of their civilization, allowing them to craft wonders beyond mortal comprehension and unlock the secrets of the universe. Yet, with great power came great peril. The Triliths found themselves embroiled in conflicts born of jealousy and greed, as rival factions vied for supremacy over the realms. Battles raged, and the echoes of magic reverberated across the lands, leaving scars that would endure for eons. In the wake of devastation, the Triliths sought solace and unity, coming together to forge bonds of kinship and solidarity. They built grand cities and sanctuaries, where the wonders of magic flourished and knowledge thrived. It was within these bastions of enlightenment that the Triliths found refuge, nurturing their arts and culture amidst the chaos of the world.


The society of the Trilith race is a harmonious blend of magic, tradition, and camaraderie, shaped by their deep connection to the arcane and elemental forces that course through their beings. It is a society that values diversity, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge, fostering an environment where individuals are encouraged to explore the depths of their magical potential and forge meaningful connections with one another. At the heart of Trilith society lies a reverence for magic, an intrinsic aspect of their existence that permeates every facet of their culture. Magic is not merely a tool for power or conquest but a source of inspiration and enlightenment, a means through which Triliths express their deepest aspirations and desires. Central to Trilith society are the Arcane Academies, ancient institutions dedicated to the study and mastery of magic. Here, Triliths of all ages gather to learn the arcane arts, delving into the mysteries of spellcraft, elemental manipulation, and the weaving of enchantments. The Academies serve as centers of innovation and collaboration, where students and scholars alike engage in lively debates, experiment with new magical techniques, and preserve the rich tapestry of magical lore passed down through generations. In addition to their scholarly pursuits, Trilith society places a strong emphasis on community and cooperation. Families form the bedrock of social life, providing support, guidance, and a sense of belonging to all members of society. Bonds of kinship extend beyond blood ties, encompassing friendships forged through shared experiences and mutual respect. Within Trilith communities, individuals are encouraged to embrace their unique talents and contributions, regardless of their magical affinity or background. Artisans, healers, warriors, and scholars all find their place within the tapestry of Trilith society, each valued for their skills and expertise. Despite their emphasis on unity, Trilith society is not without its complexities and tensions. Rivalries may arise between different magical traditions or philosophical schools of thought, leading to spirited debates and occasional disagreements. However, such conflicts are typically resolved through diplomacy and compromise, as Triliths recognize the importance of maintaining harmony within their communities. In their interactions with other races, Triliths approach with a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness, eager to learn from the perspectives and experiences of others. They seek to foster relationships built on mutual respect and understanding, recognizing the richness and diversity of the world beyond their borders.

Overall, the society of the Trilith race is a vibrant tapestry of magic, tradition, and camaraderie, shaped by their deep connection to the arcane and elemental forces that define their existence. It is a society that celebrates diversity, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge, offering a glimpse into a world where the boundaries between the mundane and the magical blur with each passing day.

<Trilith> Traits[edit]

Trilith Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Your Charisma score increases by 2."
Age. On average, a Trilith can live up to 500 to 700 years, although exceptional individuals may live even longer, sometimes reaching a millennium or more. They typically reach adulthood around the age of 50 to 70 years old.
Alignment. Many Triliths are drawn to alignments that emphasize personal freedom, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge. As seekers of arcane wisdom and enlightenment, they often gravitate towards alignments such as Neutral Good, True Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral,
Size. Trilith's vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
''Triune Manifestation. As an action, you can split into up to three distinct bodies, each bearing the same appearance and sharing all statistics, hit points, spells, and class abilities. These bodies act independently but are linked by a mystical bond, allowing them to share experiences and coordinate actions seamlessly. Each body can move and take actions on its own turn during combat, though they remain interconnected in mind and spirit.
Innate Magic. You know the mage hand cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the mirror image spell once per day. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the blink spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

<Subrace Name>[edit]

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(2 votes)

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