The Elder Dragon of Fire (5e Subclass)

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The Elder Dragon of Fire[edit]

Primordus, the Destroyer

Warlock Subclass

Primordus, the Elder Dragon of Fire and Conflict, was the Elder Dragon which would have awoken first, were it not for the courageous adventurers who managed to delve into the centre of the world to slay his mightiest servant, the Great Destroyer. As a result of that, Primordus has yet to awaken, but its tossing and turning in its restless sleep had brought about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and its servants, the Destroyers, grow more and more active each day. These creatures, formed of stone and lava in parody of living beings such as trolls and harpies, have been waging a war of extermination beneath the surface of the world. A few have been driven up to the surface, while many more have been wiped out entirely. They appear on the surface as well, usually in areas of strong volcanic activity. While living beings can be corrupted by Primordus, it is far more rare, as he, and by extension his servants, are the most savage, animalistic of his kin.

Expanded Spell List[edit]

Primordus grants you the ability to add the following spells to the Warlock spell list, and you may choose them when selecting spells.

Spell Level Spells
1st burning hands, searing smite
2nd dragon's breath, heat metal
3rd ashardalon's stride, elemental weapon
4th fire shield, stoneskin
5th banishing smite, immolation

(Note: Dragon's Breath and Elemental Weapon may only be used to deal Fire damage)

Fires of Below[edit]

Primordus is the most animalistic of his kind. Starting at 1st level, you may use a bonus action to enter a primal, burning state of fury. When in this state, once per turn when you make an attack against a creature within 10 feet of you and successfully deal damage, you may roll 1d4+your proficiency bonus and add that amount of fire damage. When anyone within 10ft. Of you deals damage to you you may use your reaction to deal 1d4+proficiency to them. This damage scales to a d6 at level 5, a d8 at level 11, and a d10 at level 17. You may remain in this state safely a for a number of turns equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). For every turn you sustain it after that, you lose a number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.

Emissary of Conflict[edit]

At 1st level, you have proficiency with martial weapons. Additionally, whenever you gain a level in Warlock, you gain an extra hit point.

Protection of Primordus[edit]

Starting at 6th level, the corruption of Primordus can be called upon to shield yourself. When you activate your Fires of Below ability, you may also cause glowing hot rocks to encase you, forming armour. You shed bright light out to 20ft. and dim light out to 20 more, and you gain an AC of 18, compatible with shields. This is considered to be wearing armour for all game purposes, though you do not require proficiency and it does not add any weight. Additionally you always have resistance to fire damage.

Avatar of Destruction[edit]

At 10th level, you may call upon the fires of rage burning at your core. When you have your Fires of Below active, you may choose to unleash a wave of fire from the core of your being. As an action you may sacrifice a spell slot to deal fire damage to everyone within 30ft. of you. This deals fire damage of a number of dice equal to the level of the spell slot sacrificed and of the same size as the die used in your Fires of Below ability. You may add dice to this total by sacrificing your own current and maximum hit points. For every 10hp you lose, you may add an extra die to the total, to a maximum of 50hp. This reduction in maximum hp persists until you take a long rest. Using this ability immediately brings you out of Fires of Below.

Final Transformation[edit]

At 14th level, no one can now doubt your allegiance to the fire dragon, Primordus. Your eyes burn with mindless battle-lust, your skin is dotted with stone scales, and you bleed magma. A pair of skeletal looking stone wings wreathed in flame extend from your back, granting you a flying speed of 30ft. As an action, you may designate a point you can see within 60ft. to summon a burning meteor to crash there. Anyone within 30ft. Of the point you selected must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure they take 4d6 fire and 4d6 force damage, and are knocked prone by the shockwave. On a success they take half damage and are not knocked prone. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your charisma modifier (minimum of one), regaining all uses on a long rest. You additionally gain immunity to fire damage and vulnerability to cold damage.

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