Seismic-Sense (5e Skill)

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Seismic-Sense is a type of sense that a very small sect of creatures have developed. Creatures with such a sense could detect and precisely locate other creatures by using the vibrations they send along the surface of the earth similar to echo-location. This sense allows creatures to sense all creatures and or structures through the surface of that the vibrations outlined, and to detect other creatures creating vibrations within the range specified. As the development fo this sense is similar to Tremorsense, it cannot be used to detect creatures through surfaces. However can be used to detect buildings, structures, and even creatures on different ground levels than the creature using this method of sense. This can go up show the surface of an entire structure like a wall or be used the facial structure of someone. This sense however can only sense creature via the ground or surfaces in contact with the ground. Thus it couldn't be used to detect flying or incorporeal creatures.

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