Paisley Dragonborn (5e Race Variant)

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Dragonborn Variant[edit]

Multicolored or mutlti-metalic outcasts of dragonborn society. Their skin shows a complex pattern of various colors or metals with none predominating. Sometimes the pattern is actually paisley. It can also be herringbone, dotted, plaid, cow splotches, snake patterns etc.

A paisley dragonborn has the following traits:

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.

Age. Adult by age 15, they live up to 80 years.

Alignment. Your alignment tends toward neutral. This alone makes you a bit of an outcast in normal dragonborn societies as their alignments tend to extremes.

Size. medium, but taller than humans.

Languages. You can speak read and write Common and Draconic.

Paisley Dragonborn Subraces[edit]

Paisley Dragonborn[edit]

Multicolored outcasts of chromatic dragonborn society. Their skin shows a complex pattern of various colors with no color predominating. Sometimes the pattern is actually paisley. It can also be herringbone, dotted, plaid, cow splotches, snake patterns etc. As outcasts they wander the world plotting revenge against their persecutors and looking for allies who will accept them and not laugh at them. They tend to have a short temper with those who ridicule their coloring or pattern.

Draconic Ancestry. paisley dragonborn have ancestry from all five chromatic dragonborn ancestries.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Breath Weapon. Your breath weapon blasts out all five kinds of breath damage in a 30' cone, which looks multicolored like your scales. Dexterity saves against your breath Weapon DC. As you progress in levels your breath weapon grows more and more powerful.

You can use your Breath Weapon a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest, This becomes equal to your proficiency bonus at level 11.

  • Starting at 1st level your breath weapon does 1d4 acid, 1d4 poison, 1d4 lightning, 1d4 fire and 1d4 cold damage.
  • Starting at 6th level, your breath weapon does 1d6 acid, 1d6 poison, 1d6 lightning, 1d6 fire and 1d6 cold damage.
  • Starting at 11th level, your breath weapon does 1d8 acid, 1d8 poison, 1d8 lightning, 1d8 fire and 1d8 cold damage, Ignoring resistance and making immunities resistances.
  • Starting at 17th level, your breath weapon does 1d10 acid, 1d10 poison, 1d10 lightning, 1d10 fire and 1d10 cold damage, Ignoring resistances and immunities.

DC's for damaging breath are 8 + con modifier + proficiency bonus, and are all made with one roll.

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to Acid and Poison, gaining resistance to one of the following elements every time your breath weapon levels: Lightning, Fire or Cold.

Galvanic Dragonborn[edit]

Multimetalic outcasts of metallic dragonborn society. Their skin shows a complex pattern of various metals with no metal predominating. Sometimes the pattern is actually paisley. It can also be herringbone, dotted, plaid, cow splotches, snake patterns etc. As outcasts they wander the world seeking to bring harmony to the various kinds of metallic dragonborn. They tend to be graciously accepting of comments on their multimetallic skin and pattern, and hope to provide at least the role of go-between amongst various dragonborn groups, or between dragonborn and dragons, or among various dragons. They seek allies who believe in in unifying dragon or dragonborn, or even draconic society.

Draconic Ancestry. galvanic dragonborn have ancestry from all five metallic dragonborn ancestries.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Breath Weapon. Your breath weapon blasts out all five kinds of damaging breath and all five kinds of metallic breaths in a 15' cone, which looks multicolored like your scales. Dexterity saves against your breath weapon DC. As you progress in levels you gain greater and greater control of it.

You can use your Breath Weapon a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest, This becomes equal to your proficiency bonus + half your proficiency bonus rounded up at level 11.

  • Starting at 1st level your breath weapon does 1d2 acid, 1d2 poison, 1d2 lightning, 1d2 fire and 1d2 cold damage, and breathes each 1)sleep, 2)slowing, 3)weakening, 4)paralysis, and 5)repulsion.
  • Starting at 6st level your breath weapon does 1d4 acid, 1d4 poison, 1d4 lightning, 1d4 fire and 1d4 cold damage, and breathes each 1)sleep, 2)slowing, 3)weakening, 4)paralysis, and 5)repulsion.
  • Starting at 11st level your breath weapon does 1d6 acid, 1d6 poison, 1d6 lightning, 1d6 fire and 1d6 cold damage, and breathes each 1)sleep, 2)slowing, 3)weakening, 4)paralysis, and 5)repulsion.
  • Starting at 17th level your breath weapon does 1d8 acid, 1d8 poison, 1d8 lightning, 1d8 fire and 1d8 cold damage, and breathes each 1)sleep, 2)slowing, 3)weakening, 4)paralysis, and 5)repulsion.

DC's for damaging breath are 5 + con modifier + proficiency bonus, and are all made with one roll. DC's for non-damaging breath are 5 + wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus, and are all made with one roll. Once this roll is made, roll randomly for which non-damaging effect occurs.

Metal Smelling. You can tell what kind of metal something is within 1 ft. This takes 1 minute.

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to Acid and Poison, gaining resistance to one of the following elements every time your breath weapon levels: Lightning, Fire or Cold.

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