Minecrafter (5e Class)

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Minecrafters are superhuman due to their immense strength, they can carry heavy objects and can literally punch trees down. Despite their superhuman abilities, they can still be killed.

Creative Geniuses[edit]

Minecrafters are masters of building and can construct anything if they have the resources, from huge luxurous houses, to giant mechanical estructures.

Creating a Minecrafter[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Minecrafter quickly by following these suggestions. First, <!-Ability score-> should be your highest ability score, followed by <!-Ability score->. Second, choose the <!-background name-> background. Third, choose <!-elaborate on equipment choices->

Class Features

As a Minecrafter you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Minecrafter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Minecrafter level after 1st


Armor: Heavy Armor, Shields
Weapons: Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons and Improvised Weapons
Tools: Carpenter's Tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence and Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, Nature, Survival, Perception and Persuasion.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Minecrafter

Level Proficiency
Features Armor Rating Hunger Points
1st +2 Crafting Table, Wood Tools, Inventory, Basic Farming 2 5
2nd +2 Massive Hunger, Monster Hunter 2 5
3rd +2 Builder Type 2 5
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Inventory Improvement 2 5
5th +3 Stone Tools 3 5
6th +3 3 5
7th +3 Gold Tools 3 6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, special weapon 3 6
9th +4 4 6
10th +4 Iron Tools Advanced Combat 4 7
11th +4 Diamond Tools 4 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, enchantments 4 7
13th +5 5 8
14th +5 Netherite Tools 5 8
15th +5 5 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 9
17th +6 6 9
18th +6 6 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 10
20th +6 Creative mode 6 10

Hunger Points[edit]

Hunger points serve as your stamina, as you go throughout your day, you will begin to lose hunger points. If you run out of them, you will begin to suffer from starvation and take 1d4 damage every hour. Eating food will restore hunger points. every 2 hours you lose 0.5 Hunger points. While resting, you cannot lose Hunger points. The DM can decide how many Hunger Points will be restored after eating. Example: One loaf of bread restores up to 4 points while an apple restores 2 points.

Armor Rating[edit]

As a minecrafter, when you are wearing any kind of armor your AC increases by the amount showm in the armor rating table. Also, while wearing armor all the damage you take will be reduced by the amount showm in the Armor Rating table.

Crafting Table[edit]

At 1st level, you gain your major building tool, the crafting table. It's a block made out of wood that if destroyed can be remade with 4 wood planks. When you place it somewhere, you can use its inner power to craft things. The types of items you can craft are endless, with the right materials you may even make powerful weapons and tools, ask your DM beforehand what materials would be needed to craft a certain thing. The items you can craft are all listed in the Crafting Recipes, at the end of the class description.

Basic Farming[edit]

At the 1st level, you become proficient in farming basic plants.


Using a Hoe of any kind, you can plow soil for the use of seeds.


Wheat that has been planted into the cultivated soil must be watered daily or be adjacent to a water source after 1d6+x (x=size of area planted) days the wheat will be ripe for harvesting. for every 5 ft of wheat planted, 1lb of wheat is produced

Wood Tools[edit]

At 1st level, you have unlocked the most basic tools for a minecrafter, the wood tools. While using your crafting table as a bonus action you can create out of sticks and wood one of the tools below:

Wood Axe

Deals 1d10 Slashing Damage and can be sold for 5sp. While with the axe you can chop trees two times faster, and can use it for 4 rounds before breaking it.

Wood Sword

Deals 1d8 Slashing Damage and can be sold for 10sp. You are proficient with it, can make two attacks with the sword, and can use it for 5 rounds before breaking it.

Wood Shovel

Deals 1d6 Slashing Damage and can be sold for 7sp. You can excavate things faster with the shovel and can use it for 4 rounds before breaking it.

Wood Pickaxe

Deals 1d4 Piercing Damage and can be sold for 8sp. You can mine things two times faster with it and can get resources for making stone tools, or low-value ores like Coal while breaking rocks in caverns or in the wild. You can use it for 6 rounds before breaking it.

Wood Hoe

Deals 1d6 Piercing Damage and can be sold for 4sp. You can harvest farm materials two times faster and you may use it to remove leafs from trees. You can use it for 5 Rounds.


At 1st level, as a Minecrafter, you possess a very peculiar ability, which is the ability to hold your items inside you, in which they all fall out if you are unconscious or dead. You can store up to 8 items inside your inventory, and can "stack" 16 versions of the same item inside the same slot. The capacity of your inventory increases as you level up in this class.

At 4th level: Your inventory size increases to 16, and you can now stack 32 versions of the same item in one slot.

Massive Hunger[edit]

At 2nd level, you have finally developed one of the most prominent features in the Minecrafters, their huge hunger. While you are well fed you gain 1d4 Hit Points per turn, and can use the run action without the consequences for 1 hunger point. While you have less than half your hunger points, you gain a disadvantage in all Strength and Constitution Saving Throws, and can only move half of your movement speed.

If you run out of hunger points, you start taking 1dx Damage per turn, with x being your hunger point maximum.

Monster Hunter[edit]

At 2nd level, you start to fight and gain experience with the creatures you have battled. When you enter battle against a creature type that you have already seen, you can dodge their first attack and do your first attack with an advantage.

Builder Type[edit]

At 3rd level you choose your builder type, the thing you focus your building skills on the most. You can see the Builder Type options at Builder Focus.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Stone Tools[edit]

At 5th level, you can now make wood tools as a free action, and as a bonus action you can create out of sticks and stone one of these items:

Stone Axe

Deals 1d12 Slashing Damage and cost 4 Building Points. While with the axe you can chop trees three times faster, and you may use it for 8 turns before breaking it.

Stone Sword

Deals 1d10 Slashing Damage and cost 5 Building Points. You are proficient with the sword and can make 2 attacks with it in one attack action. You may use it for 8 Turns before breaking it.

Stone Shovel

Deals 1d8 Slashing Damage and cost 3 Building Points. You can excavate things like dirt, mud or snow three times as fast. You can use it for 6 turns before breaking it.

Stone Pickaxe

Deals 1d6 Piercing Damage and cost 4 Building Points. You can mine materials to make iron tools out of caverns or the wild. You may use it for 8 Turns before breaking it.

Stone Hoe

Deals 1d8 Slashing Damage and cost 3 Building points. You can harvest farm materials three times faster and you can roll Nature checks involving farming with an advantage and a +2.

Gold tools[edit]

at 7th level, you can now make wood and stone tools as a free action, and as a bonus action you can create out of sticks and gold one of these items:

Gold Axe

Deals 1d10 Slashing Damage and costs 2 Building Points. While with the axe you can chop trees four times faster, and can use it for 2 turns before breaking it.

Gold Sword

Deals 1d8 Slashing Damage and costs 2 Building Points. You are proficient with it, can make two attacks with the sword, and can use it for 3 turns before breaking it.

Gold Shovel

Deals 1d6 Slashing Damage and costs 1 building point. You can excavate things faster with the shovel and can use it for 2 turns before breaking it.

Gold Pickaxe

Deals 1d4 Piercing Damage and costs 2 Building Points. You can mine things four times faster with it and can get resources for making stone tools, or low-value ores like Coal and iron while breaking rocks on caverns or in the wild. You can use it for 3 turns before breaking it.

Gold Hoe

Deals 1d6 Piercing Damage and costs 1 Building Point. You can harvest farm materials two times faster and can roll with advantage nature checks involving farming while with it.

Iron tools[edit]

At the 10th level you can now craft wood, stone, and gold tools as a free action you can now use a bonus action out of sticks and iron you can craft iron tools

Iron Axe

deals 4d4 slashing damage you can also chop trees down five times as fast you can use this item for 6 turns

Iron Sword

deals 3d4 slashing damage you can make two attacks with it, you are proficient with it

Iron Pickaxe

deals 2d4 piercing damage You can mine things five times faster with it, and can get resources for making other tools like Coal, iron, gold, and diamonds while breaking rocks in caverns or in the wild. You can use it for 8 turns before breaking it.

Iron Shovel

deals 3d4 slashing damage You can mine things five times faster with it, and can get resources for making stone tools, or low-value ores like Coal while breaking rocks in caverns or in the wild. You can use it for 6 turns before breaking it.

Iron Hoe

2d4 piercing damage You can harvest farm materials five times faster, and can roll with advantage nature checks involving farming while with it.

<<! Needs armor !>>

Diamond Tools[edit]

At the 11th level, you can now craft wood, stone, gold, and iron tools as a free action you can now use a bonus action out of sticks and diamond you can craft iron tools

Diamond Axe

deals 4d4 slashing damage you can also chop trees down six times as fast you can use this item for 10 turns

Diamond Sword

deals 3d4 slashing damage you can make two attacks with it, you are proficient with it

Diamond Pickaxe

deals 2d4 piercing damage You can mine things six times faster with it, and can get resources for making other tools and the ores listed above coal, iron, gold, and diamonds while breaking rocks in caverns or in the wild. You can use it for 12 turns before breaking it.

Diamond Shovel

deals 3d4 slashing damage You can mine things six times faster with it and can get resources for making Iron tools, or high-value ores like Diamonds, Gold, and Iron while breaking rocks in caverns or in the wild. You can use it for 10 turns before breaking it.

Diamond Hoe

2d4 piercing damage You can harvest farm materials six times faster, and can roll with advantage nature checks involving farming while with it.

Netherite Tools[edit]

At the 11th level, you can now craft wood, stone, gold, and iron tools as a free action you can now use a bonus action out of sticks and Netherite you can craft Netherite tools

Netherite Axe

deals 5d4 slashing damage you can also chop trees down seven times as fast you can use this item for 20 turns

Netherite Sword

deals 4d4 slashing damage you can make two attacks with it, you are proficient with it

Netherite Pickaxe

deals 4d4 piercing damage You can mine things seven times faster with it, and can get resources for making other tools. while breaking rocks in caverns or in the wild, you can find resources like coal, iron, gold, diamonds, and netherite. You can use it for 30 turns before breaking it.

Netherite Shovel

deals 4d4 slashing damage You can mine things six times faster with it, and can get resources for making stone tools, or low-value ores like Coal while breaking rocks in caverns or in the wild. You can use it for 15 turns before breaking it.

Netherite Hoe

3d4 piercing damage You can harvest farm materials seven times faster, and can roll with advantage nature checks involving farming while with it.

Advanced Combat[edit]

You gain a greater knowledge of combat, while fighting when you make an attack above an enemy you add another dice to your damage roll. You also gain a proficantcy in combat.

special weapon[edit]

once you unlock your special weapon you can summon and use it for 4 of your turns

Scythe 1d12 (two-handed,reach)
Dual battle axe 1d10 (one-handed, fenes)
Minecraft trident 1d8 (one-handed, thrown 60/120)


Sword enchantments

sharpness 1-5

gives +2 damage to each level

Builder Focus[edit]

Farming Builder[edit]

If you choose this focus you get extra food and meat from crops and animals

You gain proficiency in animal handling and nature

Miner Builder[edit]

You have a natural fortune effect on your tools

You gain proficiency in nature and acrobatics

Explorer Builder[edit]

Pick one biome from the circle of the land biomes

If you are in this biome you have an advantage on all rolls

combat builder[edit]

If you fail an ac roll you can roll again if this roll is lower you still have to take it

(this ability can be used three times per short rest)

Crafting Recipes[edit]

As a Minecrafter, you will have a lot of different "Crafts" you can make. Below is the list of crafts you can create:

Wood Plank

You need to chop down a tree, and out of it, you can get xd6 Hard Wood, in which for each Hard Wood you transform, it will grant you 4 Wood Planks.

The X means the size of the tree you cut.

Medium: 2 Large: 4 Huge: 6 Giant: 8 Guarguantuan: 10

  • Needs at least 1 Wood Plank

For 1 or more wood Planks, you will gain 4 Sticks. They can be sold for 5cp, or be used as an improvised weapon dealing 1d2 Bludgeoning Damage.

  • Needs 1 Stick and 1 Coal

The torch illuminates in a 15ft area, and while you have it active you can roll Intimidation checks with advantage against Undead. The torch lasts for 1 minute, and it's completely destroyed after its use.

  • Needs 8 Stone or Rocks

You can place the furnace in a 5ft spot, and with it, you can use coal or wood to light it up. It generates light for 10ft, and can cook raw food and raw ores like iron or gold.

  • Needs 3 bars of Iron

You can use the bucket to hold 1 gallon of any kind of liquid.


Using 3lb of wheat on a crafting table, you can create one loaf of bread. consuming a loaf of bread will restore 1d4 hunger points.

  • Needs 2 iron bars

You can use them to cut fur from creatures or to cut leaves from trees.

Recipes for Invocations[edit]

Iron Golem
  • 3 Iron Blocks, 1 Pumpkin

When you do a cross shaped symbol with the blocks, you can create a Iron Golem [1]. You can only make as many iron golens as your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Snow Golem
  • 2 Snow Blocks, 1 Pumpkin

When you put the 3 blocks on top of eachother you can create a snow golem, a friendly creature who will defend you from monster attacks.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Minecrafter class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Minecrafter class, you gain the following proficiencies:

Creative Mode[edit]

(one vote)

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