Mansión (5e Spell)

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4th-level Conjuration
Casting time: instant
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, S, M (an eviction notice, a planar map to the mansión, and a silver key worth at least 500 gp)
Duration: 1 minute

The mansión is a 260-by-340-foot "building" that takes on whatever appearance you choose. Within the mansión there are the following resources: 5 rooms with their respective "magical" bathrooms, closets, beds and a small herb garden that is replenished daily and provides basic sustenance for a day for 5 creatures, a kitchen, a library room and a training camp among the following; a blacksmith shop, a workshop, an alchemy laboratory, a herbalist's corner, a large hall in the center of the mansión and a personal office.

Finally, you may force any creature of your choice from your mansión, and they may not return until designated otherwise by you.

At Higher Levels. By casting a spell slot of level 5 or higher, the mansion gains the ability to protect itself from climatic changes around it, except for extreme heat and cold. You can also control the climate and vegetation of the mansion at your will, as long as you you are in it. When casting a Spell slot of level 6 or higher, the mansion gains a maximum levitation height of up to 5,000 feet and a flight speed of 100 feet. By casting a spell slot of level 7 or higher, you can make the mansion double in size, obtaining these resources: a small safe in which you can place any object as if it were a pocket dimension, objects cannot exceed the medium size, you also get several servants who cannot fight and cannot be harmed, they can only do very basic things like cooking and cleaning and maintaining the mansion, you also get a small farm with 3 stables, a mill and several houses of your choice. When casting a spell slot of level 8 or higher, the owner of the mansion can choose to create a small portal, after meditating for 1 hour, into which only those he decides will enter, teleporting themselves to the mansion. When casting a 9th level spell slot, the mansion produces, once a day, a golden apple from a Great tree with golden leaves located in the center of the mansion, this fruit is known as: "the primal fruit." Anyone who eats this fruit will automatically be enveloped by a celestial aura, thus turning its consumer into an immortal being capable of overcoming the effects of old age and in turn recovering all of their spell slots, if they have any, it also counts as if had taken a prolonged rest and any illnesses or harmful magical or non-magical effects on him will be nullified in this way. (at DM's discretion) The primordial fruit can only be plucked from the tree by the owner of the mansion and by a person whom he decides. You cannot have more than one mansion at a time.

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