Maiden's Blood Fever (5e Disease)

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Maiden's Blood Fever[edit]

Contracting Maiden's Blood Fever[edit]

Unlike what it's name would suggest Maiden's Blood Fever is doesn't just affect one sex, but all of them. It can infect anyone that is alive but dragons and humanoids are the most susceptible. If you touch the maiden's kiss (find page in 5e hazards, link will not work) flower you need to make DC 18 constitution save or contract this disease. Dragons, humanoids, and creatures with human torsos make this save with disadvantage.


During your next long rest: .The infected gains a +6 to your Charisma score, to a max of 24 .The infected creature becomes the size of small or medium if they where huge or bigger, with bigger then normal eyes, along with a smaller mouth along with a sex change to female if not so already. They cant control the urge to hug or kiss anyone, they become so overjoyed when they meet new people. If a creature was hugged followed by a kissed on the lips, for more then 30 seconds, the creature has to make a Constitution Save of 16 or contract this disease. (Creatures that are neither dragonic nor partially humanoid have advantage on the save.) .The infected creature is compelled to keep their virginity. If they would lie down with someone they must succeed on a DC15 wisdom saving through; if they are married to said other person they may make the save with advantage.


The sex change can be cured with lesser restoration . The other physical changes can be removed by a healing spell of at least fourth level. The rest must be cured by a remove curse cast at sixth level.

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