Elemental Origin (5e Subclass)

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Elemental Origin

You are born with a strong connection to a particular element, turning you into a devastating force on the battlefield.

Elemental Affinity

At 1st level, you choose one elemental type from the following: Acid, Poison, Fire, Cold, Thunder or Lightning. All spells that deal damage of the chosen element deal extra damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Elemental Armor

At 1st level, as long as you're not wearing armor, your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier, and you gain resistance to the element you have an affinity for.

Elemental Control

At 6th level, you gain a +2 to both your ranged spell attacks and your spell saves for spells that are the element of your elemental affinity. And spells using the element of your Elemental affinity ignores resistance for the purpose of damage calculations.

Elemental Protection

Starting at level 14, your elemental armor gains a bonus effect depending on which element you chose for your Elemental Affinity:

Acid or Poison: enemy melee attacks against you get a -2 to attack and damage rolls
Fire: When an enemy successfully attacks you, with a melee attack, they take fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Cold: +2 to your AC (This effect doesn't stack with magic items that provide extra AC)
Lightning or Thunder: When making a saving throw against a spell you get +2 to the saving throw
Elemental Immunity

Starting at 14th level you gain immunity to the element you have an affinity for. Also, you treat immunity as resistance, and resistance as nothing whenever you deal damage to a creature with a spell that matches your elemental affinity.

Elemental Superiority

Once you reach 18th level, you have advantage on all spell attack rolls that deal the elemental damage of your chosen affinity type, and others have disadvantage against your spell saving throws of your chosen affinity type casted by you.

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