Draconic Angel (5e Race)

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Draconic Angel[edit]

And in the midst of battle, we all looked to the skies as a being with majestic golden wings descended amongst us, bringing the entire field to a halt in awe.
—An excerpt from the memoirs of the esteemed General Valkius

Physical Description[edit]

Draconic Angels inherit their appearance mostly from their angelic parent. At first glance, they appear to look just like Humans, aside from the retractable wings they sport on their back. Upon closer inspection, however, most Draconic Angels possess small patches of thin dragon-like scales on parts of their skin. Their scales are the same color as their skin, making them difficult to discern at a passing glance. In rare cases, a Draconic Angel may inherit draconic eyes from their parent, a pair of horns, or even a short stub of a tail. Their wings, appearing to be made of feathers; are actually composed of small metallic scales.


Draconic Angels are born from the union of an Angel and a Dragon. Due to the incompatibilities between Angels and Dragons, it is necessary for the draconic partner to be an adult or ancient dragon, capable of transforming itself at will into a more compatible form. As a result, Draconic Angels are almost exclusively descended from metallic Dragons. Due to the rarity of their parents, and the usual separation of Angels from the Material Plane, Draconic Angels are extremely rare, and only a handful of them have ever been recorded in a single world’s history - although it isn't unthinkable that there may be several who have hidden away from the world.


With an unfathomably low population, they have no true society of their own to speak of. Typically a Draconic Angel spends the first 100 years of their life with their draconic parent as they mature, learning how to hunt, survive independently, and being protected until they are capable of fending for themselves. It is, to date, unheard of for the draconic parent to abandon their child before they have fully grown - a result of both the rarity of an Ancient Dragon producing offspring, as well as the experience of raising a humanoid child being an excellent method to stave off the ennui that many ancient Dragons experience.

After fully maturing after 100 years, the Draconic Angel may leave its parents nest, adventuring out into the world to better understand civilization, and possibly integrate into it. Others may choose to remain with their parent, a choice that is only possible due to not possessing the same undying greed that True Dragons do for treasure and wealth. As Draconic Angels require a minuscule amount of food in comparison to a True Dragon and do not necessarily crave their wealth and riches, many parents have no issue with allowing their offspring to continue to live with, or near them. Even if the Draconic Angel is to migrate to the outside world, they still retain a strong familial bond with their Draconic parent and care deeply for each other.

Draconic Angel Names[edit]

Draconic angels use draconic names, given by their parent.

Male: Aeoron, Arauth (Trickster), Aryx (Graceful), Deszeld (Fierce), Gaul (Loyal), Morn (Divine), Ragoth (Sky), Thriin (Archer), Uryte (Keeper), Vaeros, Zorralth

Female: Tharur (Trickster), Aryxon (Graceful), Deszeld (Fierce), Gaulir (Loyal), Mornaug (Divine), Ragoth (Sky), Thriina (Archer), Uryte (Keeper), Waer (Hidden)

Draconic angels that incorporate themselves into humanoid society may adopt names from the society they integrate into, either to blend in more easily or to bring themselves closer to it.

Draconic Angel Traits[edit]

A crossbreed between an angel and a dragon, draconic angels inherit the best of both worlds.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. You inherit your lifespan from your draconic parent. Although you reach physical maturity at around the age of 30, you do not reach adulthood until around the age of 100. You have a lifespan similar to that of True Dragons, at times reaching over 3,000 years old.
Alignment. Draconic angels are generally of the good alignment, due to their Angelic blood. Your specific alignment may depend on your Draconic parent, or you may reject your upbringing and follow a different alignment entirely.
Size. Draconic Angels are usually between 5’5 and 7'0. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Wings. You have a pair of shining feathered wings that upon closer inspection appear to be made of tiny metallic scales. You gain a flight speed of 40 feet, reduced to 20 feet when wearing medium armor, and cannot fly while wearing heavy armor.
Draconic Survival. Your draconic parent has taught you how to survive independently in the wilderness. You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Celestial, and Draconic. Draconic is thought to be one of the oldest languages and is often used in the study of magic. The language sounds harsh to most other creatures and includes numerous hard consonants and sibilants.
Subrace. As a draconic angel, you inherit half of your blood from your draconic parent. You may choose what type of dragon they are.

Brass Dragon[edit]

Your parent is a brass dragon: Brass dragons were extremely talkative and loved the intense heat of deserts. They often engaged foes and friends alike in hours of long-winded conversation. They avoided combat if possible, but would use their breath weapon, a cone of sleeping gas, to subdue foes if threatened. They were the weakest of the classic metallic dragons, but still chaotic good

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Wings. Your wings are of a dull yellow color and grant fire immunity when taking the dodge action.
Alignment. Your parent is of the chaotic good alignment.

Bronze Dragon[edit]

Your parent is a bronze dragon: Bronze dragons were inquisitive dragons with a fierce appearance and a fascination for warfare. They would often seek to fight evil, and would join good-aligned armies in a humanoid form. They were lawful good, lived in coastal areas, and had an electrical breath weapon.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Wings. Your wings are a shiny bronze and grant lightning immunity when taking the dodge action.
Alignment. Your parent is of the lawful good alignment.

Copper Dragon[edit]

Your parent is a copper dragon: Copper dragons were born pranksters, jokesters, and riddlers. They were chaotic good and lived in rocky mountains. Copper dragons had an acid breath weapon but preferred to avoid combat altogether, instead taunting and teasing foes until they left.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Wings. Your wings are a duller copper and grant acid immunity when taking the dodge action.
Alignment. Your parent is of the chaotic good alignment.

Silver Dragon[edit]

Your parent is a silver dragon: Silver dragons were regal, lawful good creatures who often took a humanoid form and lived among humans and elves. Their breath weapon was a cone of freezing cold, and they normally laired in mountains. They were very smart and preferred not to fight unless necessary.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Wings. Your wings are bright silver and grant cold immunity when taking the dodge action.
Alignment. Your parent is of the lawful good alignment.

Gold Dragon[edit]

Your parent is a gold dragon: Gold dragons were the most powerful and majestic of the classic metallic dragons. They are wise, lawful good foes of evil and injustice. Gold dragons were very knowledgeable and reclusive. They preferred stone lairs and had a cone of fire as a breath weapon.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Wings. Your wings are bright gold and grant radiant immunity when taking the dodge action.
Alignment. Your parent is of the lawful good alignment.

Mercury Dragon[edit]

Your parent is a mercury dragon: Mercury dragons were whimsical, impulsive creatures. They delighted in unpredictability and were reputed to be mentally unstable as well.[

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Wings. Your wings are an iridescent silver and grant poison immunity when taking the dodge action.
Alignment. Your parent is of any alignment.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 5'' +2d6 145 lb. × (2d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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