Defensive Guardian (5e Subclass)

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Defensive Guardian[edit]

You have tirelessly trained a defensive style which you improved until you were able to protect the weak.

Shield training

Starting at level 3, you gain the ability to wield a shield in combat, using it primarily for attack and the other for protection. You get the following benefits:

  • You can put on or take off a pair of shields using a bonus action.
  • You can use your shield as a weapon and hit your rivals with your shield, the damage die you use for your shield attack is 2d6 and it causes bludgeoning damage. At levels 5, 10, and 15, the die increases to 2d8, 2d10, and 2d12 respectively.
  • Your shields now have the heavy property and due to your mastery, granting a +4 bonus to your AC instead of +2. Additionally, you can perform attacks with shields.
  • You can add your Constitution modifier to attack and damage.
  • When you hit an enemy with an opportunity attack with your shield, you push them 5 feet.
  • If the shield has a magical bonus to its AC, you add that bonus to your attacks and damage rolls with it, and attacks with it ignore resistance and immunity to nonmagical damage.
Defensive Posture

At 3th level, as a bonus action you can take a full defensive stance when holding your shield. While you are in this posture, you obtain these benefits:

  • you can make attacks of opportunity without using your reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while within reach.
  • you have resistance to all damage except psychic and add your proficiency bonus to your AC.
  • If a creature your size or smaller, attacks, ranged attacks, and spell attacks have disadvantage against you.
  • Your movement speed is halved when you are in a defensive stance. This posture lasts up to 2 minutes.
  • The area within your reach is considered difficult terrain for hostile creatures.
  • Whenever you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, you can reduce their walking speed to 0.
Impenetrable position

At 6 when you enter a defensive position:

  • When you use your shield to attack. You deal an additional 1d10 bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed back 10 feet.
  • You gain a number of temporary hit points at the beginning of each of your turns equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier.
  • Opponents cannot break your defensive stance.
Improved Physical Defenses

At level 7 you have trained your body to more effectively resist poison, cold, and similar phenomena. When you are subject to an effect that allows you to make a Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Ultimate Shield

At 9th level when you are in a defensive stance as an additional action instead of an action. You can add your Strength modifier to your total AC.

Spell blocker

At 14th level, you create a safe area in a 15ft cube behind you when you enter defensive stance. Allies within this cube add your shield's AC bonus to dexterity saving throws they make against spells or other harmful effects. If you or an ally are subjected to an effect that requires them to make a Dexterity of Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, they take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw.

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