Azzdan (5e Deity)

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Azzdan's holy symbol is 4 small diamond shaped squares, each representing an element, arranged in the shape of a larger diamond shaped square.

Alignment. Neutral Good
Domains. Knowledge, Light, Tempest
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Azzdan started his existence on a spelljammer slave ship when he was born to a recently capture elven woman from Garden in Realmspace. He was rescued by a dragonship from Shou Lung on Toril. His mother died during the rescue attempt but a Wu Jen adopted him and trained him in the ways of magic and the elements. When he was ready to go out on his own, he joined an adventuring party that over the course of time had come to have many conflicts with a Demon Lord of the Abyss. They had their final showdown with the demon in the crystal sphere now called Azzdanspace. The demon lord had created a device that had drained all non artifact level magic into himself. With the help of the demon lord Graz'zt the party defeated the demon lord and as a result the remaining party members attained godhood.

As a deity Azzdan has focused his efforts on restoring the crystal sphere from the damaged inflected upon it in the battle. On the planes he has setup a peaceful place in the Feywild which he shares with his wife a goddess of streams. On the inner planes he has been most active on the planes of fire, air, and water seeking to defeat the elemental princes of evil and other powerful evil that live there. He currently has a large base located if the plane of air near the Great Conflagration, where he repairs and supplies Azer ships that attack the Efreet ships on the sea of fire.

Azzdan keeps an avatar on each of the planets in Azzdanspace. Each avater created is focused on one of the 4 elements. Telmark is the home to a water avatar. Zarfin is the home to a earth avatar. Azzdan's Tradepost and Shipyard is the home to a Air avatar.The Azzdanspace Sun is the home to a Fire avatar.

Azzdan clerics can gain spells as normal in the following spheres:






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